What is PEDS Developmental Milestones (PEDS:DM®©)?
- Brief, reliable accurate indicators of children’s skills across all developmental domains
- 6 to 8 items per encounter
- For children 0 through 7 years , 11months. Additional measures for older children and adolescents included
- Each item taps a different developmental domain: expressive language, receptive language, fine motor, gross motor, social-emotional, self-help, academics in both reading and math (older children)
- Clear criteria for scoring: failure on each item suggests probable difficulties in that domain and performance below the 16th percentile
- Written at a 1st to 2nd grade reading level
- Takes about 5 minutes to administer, one minute to score
- Longitudinal monitoring of developmental progress
- Replaces informal checklists with ones supported by scientific evidence
- Standardized on more than 1600 children across the US
- Validated against diagnostic measures of development
- Highly accurate: sensitivity and specificity range from 70% to 95% across domains and across age levels
- Includes an assessment level version for use in NICU and early intervention programs where more detailed test results and follow-along measurement are needed (offers age-equivalent and percentage of delay scores)