How PEDS:DM-Assessment Level® (PEDS:DM-AL®) Helps
The PEDS:DM-Assessment Level® is designed for developmental follow-up (e.g., in NICU, EI, foster care) and all other programs where children are at elevated risk for problems. The PEDS:DM-Assessment Level® enables a detailed look at each developmental domain, i.e., expressive language, receptive language, fine motor, gross motor, self-help, social-emotional, and for older children, math and reading skills.
Below is an A - Z list of features and benefits of the PEDS:DM-AL®. (You can also view our case example showing some of the items, recording grid as completed over time here.)
- Designed for children from birth to 7 years-11 months
- Enables strengths and weaknesses to be viewed across domains
- Has a test booklet that is reusable with each child throughout the 0 to 8 year age range
- Produces age-equivalent scores (as well as cutoffs) each time a child is measured
- Illustrates how to use age-equivalent scores to produce percentage of delay, as well as percentage of skills mastered
- Detects advanced development as well as deficiencies
- Provides progress monitoring
- Includes a mechanism for explain results to parents, i.e., a performance grid showing changes over time in relation to chronological age
- Indicates how to adjust for prematurity
- Offered in English as well as Spanish and Taiwanese (Arabic and Portuguese coming soon)
- Includes optional supplementary measures for autism spectrum disorder, psychosocial risk, parent-child interactions, and academic/mental health screens for older children
- Includes in its manual, information handouts for parents on a range of developmental-behavioral topics along with referral resources
- Can be used with Parents’ Evaluation of Developmental Status® (PEDS®) using the same longitudinal form to capture parents’ concerns, observations, child-rearing challenges, and informational needs.
- Standardized recently, i.e., 2007 on a nationally representative sample of more than 1600 children around the US and Canada
- Reliable with high inter-rater, test-retest and internal consistency
- Validated in comparison with diagnostic measures on more than 1600 children.
- Compared to diagnostic measures that were proven to have predictive validity
- High correlations with like subtests on a range of diagnostic tests
- Can be administered by parent-report, parent/older-child interview, or hands-on
- Written at the 2nd grade level, meaning that almost all parents can read and respond to the questions
- Takes 15 minutes or less to administer and score
- Widely used in early intervention intake and monitoring, NICU follow-up programs, and foster care services
- Includes training support, i.e., guidelines for establishing rapport with children, managing those with known disabilities during testing, explaining test results, etc.
- Website support for training ( with live links to life-long professional learning sites, online videos, slide shows, research findings, FAQs, etc.
- Website support for parenting information including live links to referral services, downloadable parent handouts in English and Spanish, etc.
- Is available online, with automated scoring, reports for parents, referral letters when needed, and a parent portal so that families can complete the PEDS:DM-AL® from home but will not see results.
See this case study of Rachel for an example of the PEDS:DM-AL® completed over time.