Dr. Glascoe’s Published Articles, Books, etc.

Curriculum Vitae

Frances Page Glascoe
Professor of Pediatrics (Adjunct)
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, Tennessee



1976 B.S. in Early Childhood Education
Georgia State University

1978 M.S. in Special Education with Specialization in Learning Disabilities
George Peabody College for Teachers

1979Ed. S. in Special Education with Specialization in Behavior Disorders
George Peabody College for Teachers

1986Ph.D. in Human Development and Education with Specialization in Special Education
Vanderbilt University


2001 – Professor of Pediatrics (Adjunct)
Vanderbilt University

2000 – Adjunct Clinical Professor of Pediatrics
Pennsylvania State University, Hershey

1999 – 2001Adjunct Associate Professor of Pediatrics
Vanderbilt University

1995 -1999Associate Professor of Pediatrics
Division of Child Development
Department of Pediatrics
Vanderbilt University

1987-1995Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
Division of Child Development
Department of Pediatrics
Vanderbilt University

1983 – 1987Associate in Pediatrics
Division of Child Development
Department of Pediatrics
Vanderbilt University

1987 – Investigator John F. Kennedy Center for Research on Education and Human Development
Vanderbilt University


1983 – Educational Specialist
Child Development Center
Division of Child Development
Neuropsychology, Autism, School, and Developmental Teams

1985 ‑ 1990 Founder/Director, Vanderbilt School Performance Clinic


1976 – 1977 Teacher, Psychoeducational/School System-II Model Project
George Peabody College for Teachers
Nashville, Tennessee

1977 – 1978 Teacher, Special Education Resource Classroom
Wilson County Schools
Lebanon, Tennessee

1978 – 1983 Teacher, Preschool Special Education
Williamson County Schools
Franklin, Tennessee



2000 –2009AAP Section on Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics

2002 Member, Centers for Disease Control, working group on screening in primary care

2002 Member, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Children’s Study Advisory Committee

2002 Representative to the AAP’s Medical Home Committee from the AAP Section on Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics

2001 Affiliate Member of the Executive Committee of the AAP’s Section on Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics

2001 Nominations Committee member, Society for Behavioral Pediatrics

2001 Advisory Board, Teengrowth.com (national pediatric website)

2000 Medical Advisory Board, First Signs, Inc. (autism identification initiative)

2000-2001 Technical Advisory Board, “Helping Pediatricians Gauge Parental Concerns and Child Development, Commonwealth Fund”

2000 Strategic Planning Committee, American Academy of Pediatrics, Section on Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics

2000 Member, Society for Behavioral Pediatrics

2000 Advisory Board, International Organization for Adolescents

1999 Advisory Board, Kidsgrowth.com (national pediatric website)

1998 Promoting Healthy Development Measurement Advisory Group Foundation for Accountability (FACCT)

1998 Board, Pediatric Health Alliance (national pediatric website)

1998 Board, Health A to Z/Medconnect (national medical website)

1997 Member, Research Committee, Ambulatory Pediatric Association

1992 – 1996 Member, Education Committee, Ambulatory Pediatric Association (helped define educational guidelines for residency training in general pediatrics)

1976 Member, Association for Retarded Citizens

1975 Member, Council for Exceptional Children, Division ofEarly Childhood


2008 Advisory Committee, California Public Health Department Screening Initiative

1998 – 2003 Advisory Committee, EPSD&T panel, State of Tennessee, Bureau of TNCare

1995 Member, Community Pediatrics Curriculum Committee, Vanderbilt University

1994 Consulting Member, Family Medicine Committee, Vanderbilt University

1993 Member, Maternal Infant Health Outreach Workers Evaluation Advisory Committee, Center for Health Services, Vanderbilt


1992 – Member, Clinical Faculty Organization, Dept.of Pediatrics, Vanderbilt University

1991 – 1994 Executive Board, The Neighborhood Program and Fragile X Resource Center

1991 Rehabilitation Hospital Committee, Services Plan

1989 ‑ 1990 Chair, Evaluation Committee, Project Search, Tennessee Department of Education

1989 ‑ University Research Collaboration, Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation

1987 ‑ 1990 Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects: Committee for Behavioral Sciences, Vanderbilt University

1981 Advocate, Tennessee Protection and Advocacy System


Dale Richmond Award, American Academy of Pediatrics (for contributions in child development), October, 2000

Curriculum Associates, 1998- 1999 Unrestricted research gift, $10,000

Affirmative Action Award, Vanderbilt University, 1996

Bloc Grant Fellowship, Vanderbilt University, 1983.

Special Education Research Fellow, Vanderbilt University, 1983

B.S., Magna cum laude, Georgia State University, 1976.

BEH Fellowship, Peabody College for Teachers, 1976‑1977.

Crimson Mortar Board Society, Georgia State University, 1976.


2010 – 2008 UC Davis,training in screening for developmental-behavioral pediatrics

2009 – 211 LA/Robert Woods Johnson Foundation grant

2008 –Nemours Foundation (implementation of db screening in primary care)

2002 Editorial Board, Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics

2002 – 2005 Section Editor, Clinical Toolbox, Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics

2001 – 2006 Editorial Board, Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine

2001 – 2009 Editor, DB PEDS News. Newsletter of the American Academy of Pediatrics’ Section on Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, www.dbpeds.org

1994-2001 Joint-editor: Ambulatory Child Health: The Journal of General and Community Pediatrics, Radcliffe Medical Press, Ltd., Oxford, England, Ambulatory Child Health is the official journal of the British Association for Community Child Health, the European Society for Research in Ambulatory Pediatrics, The Swiss Pediatric Society, the European Society for Social Paediatrics, and Israel Ambulatory Pediatrics


2001 Consulting Review, Early Childhood Research Quarterly

1991 Consulting Reviewer, Infants and Young Children

1990 Consulting Reviewer, Clinical Pediatrics

1990 Consulting Reviewer, Pediatrics

1996 Consulting Reviewer, Behavior Therapy

1996 Consulting Reviewer, Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics

1991 Consultant to the revision of the Minnesota Child Development Inventory

1991 – 1994 Editorial Board, Special Report Television,Whittle Communications, Knoxville, Tennessee

1994 Consultant, Curriculum Associates, Inc., North Billerica, Massachusetts.

1994 Consultant, Sterling Winthrop Pharmaceuticals, Inc., New York

1994 Consultant, National Academy of Social Insurance, Washington, D.C.

1994 Consultant to the revision of the BRIGANCEâ Screens, Curriculum Associates, Inc., North Billerica, Massachussetts

1996 Consultant to the revision of the Comprehensive Inventory of Basic Skills. Curriculum Associates, Inc., North Billerica, Massachusetts

1997 Consultant for ChildServ: Hartford Area Community -Based Developmental Surveillance and Service Integration for Hartford’s Children, University of Connecticut.

1999 Consulting Reviewer, the Journal of the American Medical Association

1999 Consulting Reviewer, Acta Pediatrica

1999 Consulting Reviewer, Infant Mental Health Journal

1999 Consulting Reviewer, Journal of Pediatrics

1999 Consulting Reviewer, Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health

2000 – 2002 Consultant, University of South Florida, Evaluation of the Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics Website Project

2000 – 2002 Reviewer, Optional Purchasing Specification: Child Development Services in Medicaid Managed Care, Commonwealth Fund. George Washington University

2000 Consulting Reviewer, Archives of Diseases of Childhood

2000 Consulting Reviewer, Journal of Rural Health

2006 Reviewer, Nature


Vanderbilt University Biomedical Research Support: 1984 ‑ 1985
Adding to the Validity of the Denver Developmental Screening Test (Frances Glascoe, Principal Investigator)

Vanderbilt University Graduate School Special Award 1985 ‑ 1986
in Dissertation Research: Parents’ Perspectives During the Initial Diagnosis of Children with Mental Retardation
(Frances Glascoe, Principal Investigator)

Joseph Kennedy Foundation: The Use of Parents’ Concerns 1988 ‑ 1989
About Children’s Development in Screening
(Frances Glascoe, Principal Investigator)

University Research Council: Evaluating Approaches to 1991 – 1992
Developmental Screening, (Frances Glascoe, Principal Investigator)

Maternal Child Health: Public Health Service: 1990 ‑ 1994
Collaborative Office Rounds Project
(Gerald Hickson, Principal Investigator)

Tennessee Department of Education Center for Early 1977 ‑ 1983
Education of the Handicapped, Williamson County Schools
(Frances Glascoe, co-PI)

Tennessee Department of Mental Health and 1984 ‑ 1985
Mental Retardation: Parent‑infant Program, Williamson County Schools
(Frances Glascoe, Co-PI)

Robertson Co. United Way: 1987 ‑ 1990
Comprehensive Diagnostic Evaluations
Frances Glascoe, Co-PI)

Middle-Tennessee United Way: 1991 ‑ 1994
Child Development Centerannually
(Division Contract for which Frances Glascoe was principal author)

Middle-Tennessee United Way 1983 – 1990
Screening Training Clinics
(Frances Glascoe,PI)

Middle-Tennessee United Way 1987 ‑ 1992
Family Follow‑up Services
(Division contract for which Frances Glascoe was principal author)

Middle-Tennessee United Way
New Public Health Nurses Training 1991 - 1999
Ambulatory Child Health (journal editing) 1994 -1999
Radcliffe Medical Press Ltd.
Oxford. England

Ambulatory Child Health (journal editing) 1999 – 2001
Blackwell Science, Ltd.
Oxford England

Curriculum Associates, Inc. 1994 - 1996
Validation of the Brigance Screens

Curriculum Associates, Inc. 1996 - 1999
Validation and Standardization of the Comprehensive Inventory of Basic Skills

Curriculum Associates, Inc.1998-2001
Development, Standardization and Validation of The Brigance Infant-Toddler Screen

Beaver County, Pennsylvania
Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation
Implementing the self-determination Support Waiver 1999 – 2000

MCF Consulting, East Berlin, PA2000 – 2002
Program Evaluation ( various initiatives in mental retardation service delivery)

Curriculum Associates, Inc.
Validation and Standardization of the Inventory of 2000 – 2004
Early Development

Equal Opportunity Training Center 2001 –  2007
Program Evaluation
Scranton, Pennsylvania

Santa Clara Valley Medical Center 2001 -2002
Program Evaluation
San José, California

Commonwealth Fund 2003 – 2006
New York, New York

Curriculum Associates, Inc. 2004 - 2006
Standardization and Validation of theBrigance Screens-II

Curriculum Associates, Inc. 2006 - 2009
Standardization and Validation of the CIBS-II

Curriculum Associates, Inc.
Standardization and Validation of the Inventory of
The Early Development-II and Brigance Screens-III 2009 - 2011

211LA (warmline service)

consultant 2009 –


Glascoe FP. Introduction to Educational Measurement, Peabody College of Vanderbilt, to undergraduate education majors, 1983.

Lee EB, Glascoe FP, et al. Signposts in Human Development, to first year medical students. Vanderbilt School of Medicine, 1983 – 1999

Third/Fourth Year Medical Student Clerkship in Developmental Pediatrics, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, 1985 ‑ 1999

Third Year Pediatric Residents’ Research Rotation in Developmental Pediatrics, Vanderbilt School of Medicine, 1985-1987.

Housestaff Lecture series in Developmental/Behavioral Pediatrics. Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, 1988 ‑ 1999.

First Year Medical Students Research Experiences Project. Vanderbilt School of Medicine. 1988 ‑ 1999

Director, Housestaff and Medical Student Rotation in Developmental Pediatrics. 1985 -1999

Guest Faculty, Continuing Medical Education, American Academy ofPediatrics. 1991 –

DISSERTATION COMMITTEE /Post-Doc/Fellowships, and Mentoring*:

1.Wossum, DJ.,The Validity of the Battelle Developmental Inventory Screening Test for Early Detection of Developmental Disorders. Dissertation Abstracts International. Lubbock, Texas: Texas Tech University, 1991;52:547B.

2.Johnson KA, Effects of Motivational Orientation and Failure on Test Performance of Mentally Retarded and Nonretarded Children. Dissertation Abstracts International. Nashville, Tennessee: Vanderbilt University, 1993.

3. Gary Sturgill. The Validity of the Child Development Inventory in Screening and Assessment. Nashville, Tennessee: Vanderbilt University, Dissertation Abstracts International in press.

4. Laura Sices. Approaches to early detection by primary care doctors. NIH, RO1, July, 2003.

5. Stephen Pongonis, Post-doctoral fellowship in neuropsychology. October, 2003.

6. Williams J (2005) “Learning from Mothers: How myths, policies and practices affect the early detection of subtle developmental problems in children”. James Cook University, Queensland, Australia

7. Abigal Tan (2006). Developmental Status and Parents’ Concerns Among Palestinian Refugees. Fulbright Awardee, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland

8.Margot Pritchard (2009). PEDS in NICU Follow-up.University of Queensland, Queensland, Australia

9. Emily Johnson (2011). Using PEDS in early detection of Autism Spectrum Disorders. University of Indiana,in press.

10. Dustin Spencer (2012). Capstone Study. University of Michigan, in press

*I consult regularly on projects involving the screening tools I wrote. Not all are formalized relationships but my effort is voluminous and includes:

Vanderbilt University’s Star Panel kiosk andGeneral PEDS clinics using PEDS tools in print,and many international research and implementation projects in Australia, Portugal, Brazil, Czeck Republic, Hungary, Russia, The Republic of Georgia, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Israel, Spain, Galicia, Canada, UK’s National Health Service, Uganda, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, and many USA State-based screening initiatives, including Tennessee, Massachusetts, Oklahoma, Illinois, Kansas, Texas, Utah, Connecticut, and California etc.


1. Glascoe FP, VanDervoort RL: Developmental screening and non‑medical referral practices of physicians.Journal of the Tennessee Medical Association 1985; 78:141‑147.

2. Glascoe FP, Levy S: An observational approach to vocational assessment.Career Development for Exceptional Individuals 1985;8:73‑79.

3. Borowitz KC, Glascoe FP: The Insensitivity of the Denver Developmental Screening Test in speech and language screening.Pediatrics 1986; 78:1075‑1078.

4. Glascoe FP, Levy S: The Work behavior of handicapped and non‑handicapped employees.Career Development of Exceptional Individuals 1987;10:95‑106

5. Glascoe FP, Borowitz KC: Improving the Sensitivity of the Language Sector of the Denver Developmental Screening Test.Diagnostique 1988; 13:76‑85.

6. Glascoe FP, Altemeier WK, MacLean WE: The Importance of Parents’ Concerns About Their Child’s Development.American Journal of Diseases of Children1989;143:855‑958.

7. Glascoe FP, Martin ED, Humphrey S: A Comparative Review of Developmental Screening Tests.Pediatrics 1990; 86; 547‑554.

8. Glascoe FP, MacLean WE: How Parents’ Appraise Their Child’s Development.Family Relations. 1990;39;280‑283.

9. Glascoe FP: Can Clinical Judgment Detect Children with Speech‑Language Problems?Pediatrics. 1991;87:317‑322.

10. Glascoe FP, MacLean WE, Stone WL. The Importance of Parents’ Concerns about Their Child’s Behavior.Clinical Pediatrics. 1991;30:8‑11. (published with editorial commentary by Ben Brouhard).

11. Glascoe FP. Developmental Screening: Rationale, methods, and application. Invited Paper forInfants and Young Children 1991;4:1‑10.

12. Glascoe FP, Byrne KE, Chang B, Strickland B, Ashford L, Johnson K. The Accuracy of the Denver‑II in Developmental Screening.Pediatrics 1992; 89:1221‑1225. (published with commentary by P. Dworkin).

13. Martin ED, Altemeier WA, Hickson GB, Davis A, Glascoe FP. Improving Resources for Foster Care.Clinical Pediatrics, 1992;31:400-404.

14. Glascoe FP, Byrne KE. The Accuracy of the Developmental Profile‑II in Developmental Screening,Clinical Pediatrics, 1993;32:203-208. (published with commentary by Pat Casey).

15. Glascoe FP, Byrne KE, Westbrook AG. The Usefulness of the Battelle Developmental Inventory Screening Test.Clinical Pediatrics, 1993;32:273-280.

16. Glascoe FP, Byrne KE. A Comparison of Three Developmental Screening Tests.Journal of Early Intervention. 1993;17:368-379.

17. Glascoe FP, Dworkin PE. Obstacles to Developmental Surveillance. Journal of Developmental and BehavioralPediatrics, 1993;14:344-349.

18. Glascoe FP. It’s Not What It Seems: The relationship between parents’ concerns and children’s cognitive status.Clinical Pediatrics, 1994;33, 292-298.

19. Glascoe FP , Dworkin PE. The Role of Parents in the Detection of Developmental and Behavioral Problems.Pediatrics, 1995; 95:829-836.

20. Ireton H. Glascoe FP.Restandardization and Validation of the Child Development Inventory.Clinical Pediatrics, 1995;34:248-255.

21. Glascoe FP., Sandler H. The Value of Parents’ Age Estimates of Children’s Development.The Journal of Pediatrics. 1995;127:831-835.

22. Glascoe FP.The Accuracy of the Brigance Screening Tests in Identifying Children with Giftedness and Academic Talent.Roeper Review, 1996; 19: 20 – 24.

23. García-Tornel S, Glascoe FP. Detección precoz de problemas del desarrollo por el pediatra: Importancia de los padres. Pediatría Integral. 1996; 2:196-206.

24. Glascoe FP.Parents’ Concerns about Children’s Development: Prescreening Technique or Screening Test?Pediatrics, 1997;99:522-528.

25. Glascoe FP. The Accuracy of the Brigance Screening Tests in Identifying Children with Disabilities.Diagnostique, 1997;21:87-99

26. Glascoe FP. Do Parents Discuss Concerns about Children’s Development with Health Care Providers?Ambulatory Child Health, 1997;2:349-356.

27. Glascoe FP.Foster FM, Wolraich ML. An Economic Evaluation of Four Methods for Detecting Developmental Problems.Pediatrics, 1997;99:830-837.

28. Glascoe, FP. Oberklaid F, Dworkin PH, Trimm F. Brief Approaches to Educating Parents and Patients in Primary Care.Pediatrics. 1998;101: http://www.pediatrics.org/cgi/content/full/101/6/e10.

29. Glascoe FP. The Comprehensive Inventory of Basic Skills - Revised: Test Review.Diagnostique, 24, 2000:42-52.

30. Glascoe, FP. The Value of parents’ concerns to detect and address Developmental and Behavioral ProblemsJournal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 1999; 35: 1-8.

31. Glascoe, FP. Using Parents’ Concerns to Detect and Address Developmental and Behavioral Problems.Journal of the Society of Pediatric Nurses, 1999; 4:24-35.

32. Glascoe, FP. Detecting and Addressing Developmental and Behavioral Problems in Young Children Using Parents’ Concerns.Young Exceptional Children,2; 1999:16-26.

33. Glascoe FP.Toward a Model for An Evidenced-Based Approach to Developmental/Behavioral Surveillance, Promotion and Patient Education.Ambulatory Child Health, 1999, 5; 197-208 www.pedstest.com

34. Glascoe, FP. The Validation and Standardization ofParents’ Evaluations of Developmental Status. Diagnostique, 1999;23: 185-203

35. Glascoe FP. The value of parents’ concerns in early detection of developmental and behavioral problems.Child: Health Care and Development 2000;26:137-149.

36. Glascoe FP. Early Detection of Developmental and Behavioral Problems.Pediatrics in Review.2000;21: 272-279.

37. Glascoe FP. Addressing and Detecting Developmental Problems in Primary Care.Pediatric Nursing, 2000;26:251-258.

38. Glascoe FP. Are over-referrals on developmental screening tests really a problem?Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine,2001, 155:54-59. (http://archpedi.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/abstract/155/1/54)

39. Glascoe FP. Teacher’s Global Ratings and Students’ Academic Achievement,Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 2001;22;163-168

40. Glascoe FP. Validation and Standardization of the Brigance Infant and Toddler Screens.Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 2002; 23:145 - 150.

41. Glascoe, FP. Safety Word Inventory and Literacy Screener: Standardization and Validation?Clinical Pediatrics, 2002;41:697-704.

42. Glascoe FP. Parents’ Evaluation of Developmental Status: Do parents’ concerns detect behavioral and emotional problems?Clinical Pediatrics, 2003;42:133-139.

43. Silverstein M, Sand N, Glascoe FP, Gupta B, Tonniges T, O’Conner K. Pediatricians’ reported practices regarding developmental screening:Do guidelines work?And do they help?Pediatrics, 2005;116: 174-179.

44. King T. Glascoe F. Developmental Surveillance of Infants and Young Children in Pediatric Primary Care. Current Opinion in Pediatrics2003, 15:624-629

45. Neal Halfon, Michael Regalado, Harvinder Sareen, Moira Inkelas, Colleen H. Peck Reuland, Frances P. Glascoe, and Lynn M. Olson.Assessing Development in the Pediatric Office
Pediatrics 2004; 113: 1926-1933.

46. Glascoe FP. Detection of Developmental and Behavioral Problems.Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities Research Reviews, 2005;11:173-179.

47. Glascoe FP, LaRosa A.Developmental Screening and Surveillance.Pediatrics-Up-To-Date. 2011: http://patients.uptodate.com/topic.asp?file=behavior/5562

48. Silverstein M, Sand N, Glascoe FP, Gupta B, Tonniges T, O’conner K. Pediatrician Practices Regarding Referral to Early Intervention Services:Is Having an Established Diagnosis Important?Ambulatory Pediatrics. 6(2):105-9, 2006

49. Hamilton SS, Glascoe FP Evaluation of Children with Reading Difficulties.American Family Physician 2006;74:2079-84.

50. Glascoe FP, Macias M., Wegner L. Robertshaw N. Can Parents’ Concerns Detect Children with Probable Autism Spectrum Disorder. Clinical Pediatrics.2007; 46: 801 – 805.

51. Glascoe FP, Robertshaw NS. New AAP Policy on Detecting and Addressing Developmental and Behavioral Problems.Journal of Pediatric Health Care.2007;21(6): 407-412

52. Brothers K. Glascoe FP, Robertshaw NS. Validation of a developmental milestones checklist for primary care.Clinical Pediatrics, 2008; 47; 271

52. Prelock PA, Hutchings T, Glascoe FP. Speech-Language Impairment: How to Identify the Most Common and Least Diagnosed Disability of Childhood.Medscape Pediatrics. www.medscape.com. June, 2008.

53. LaRosa A, Macias M, Glascoe FP Parental depressive symptoms: relationship to child development, parenting, health, and results on parent-reported screening tools.Journal of Pediatrics. 155(1):124-8, 2009

54. Marks K, Shevell M, Squires J, Aylward G, Glascoe FP. The Thorny Nature of Predictive Validity Research on Developmental Screening Tests.Pediatrics.2008; 122 (4): 866-868.

55. Ng W, Reynolds, DL, Kennedy E, Feightner K, Holowaty P, Wade K, Fleiszer P, Northrup D, Glascoe FP. Measuring The Prevalence Of Children At Risk Using The Parents’ Evaluation Of Developmental Status Tool In A Telephone Survey.Child Indicators Research. 2010; 3, (2): 167 http://www.springerlink.com/content/23555v6u3h357k6q/

56.  Glascoe FP, Leew S.Parenting Behaviors, Perceptions and Psychosocial Risk: Impact on Child Development.Pediatrics. 2010; 125: 313-319

57. Marks K, Glascoe FP, Squires J, Aylward G, Robins D, Fein D, Lipkin P. Core Standards for Screening Test Construction.Submitted.

58. Marks K, Glascoe FP, Macias MM. Enhancing the Algorithm for Developmental-Behavioral Surveillance and Screening in Children 0 to 5 Years.Clinical Pediatrics. 2011:50 (9): 853 – 868.

59. Glascoe FP, Schonwald A, Trimm F, Marks K. Making Developmental-Behavioral Screening Work in Your Practice.Contemporary Pediatrics. 2009; 26(12): 38-45.

60. Marks KP, Glascoe FP. Helping parents understand developmental behavioral screening.Contemporary Pediatrics. 2010; 27:54-61

61.Hamilton SS, Glascoe FP. Making developmental-behavioral screening work for school-aged kids.Contemp Pediatr. 2010;27(9):63-8

62. Glascoe FP, Marks KP. Detecting Children with Developmental-Behavioral/Mental Health Problems: The Value of Collaborating with Parents. Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling, Volume 53, 2011 (2), 258-279.

63. Roux AM, Herrera P, Wold CM, Dunkle MC, Glascoe FP, Shattuck PT. (Under review). Reaching underserved children with autism screening: The 211LA developmental screening project.American Journal of Preventive Medicine.(in press)


1. Glascoe FP. When Parents Ask About School Problems. Invited Paper forContemporary Pediatrics 1992;9:107‑124.

2. Glascoe FP. Responding to Parents’ Concerns about Children’s School Performance. In E. Wender (Ed.)Pediatric Roundtable on School Dysfunction.Columbus, Ohio: Ross Laboratories, October, 1993..

3. Glascoe FP. Developmental Screening. In S. Parker and B. ZuckermanBehavioral and Developmental Pediatrics: A Handbook for Primary Care. Boston: Little Brown & Company, 1995.

4. Glascoe FP. Detecting Developmental and School Problems. in ML Wolraich (ed).Disorders of Development and Learning: A Practical Guide to Assessment and Management. 3 ed. Chicago: Mosby-Year Book, Inc., 2002.

5. Glascoe FP.A Validation Study and Review of Psychometry of the Brigance Screening Tests.Curriculum Associates, Inc., NorthBillerica, Massachusetts, 1995.

6. Glascoe FP.Technical Report for the Brigance Screening Tests. Curriculum Associates, Inc., NorthBillerica, Massachusetts, 1996.

7. Glascoe FP. Developmental, Behavioral and Educational Surveillance. In M. Green, B. Haggerty, & M. Weitzman (eds).Ambulatory Pediatrics(5 ed). Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders, 1999.

8. Glascoe FP. Escuchar a Los Padres: Una aproximación a la supervisión del desarrollo y comportamiento basada en sus manifestaciones.Symposium Interdiscipinario de Pediatria Psicosocial.Barcelona, Spain: Centre Psicopediàtric I d’Orientació, 1997.

9. Dworkin PH, Glascoe FP.Early Detection of Developmental Delays: How Do you “Measure Up?”. Contemporary Pediatrics, 1997;14:158 – 168.

10. Glascoe FP.Parents’ Evaluations of Developmental Status (PEDS): A Method for Detecting and Addressing Developmental and Behavioral Problems in Children.Nolensville, Tennessee: PEDSTest.com, LLC., 2010

11. Glascoe FP.Collaborating with Parents: Using Parents’ Evaluations of Developmental Status to Detect and Address Developmental and Behavioral Problems. Nolensville, Tennessee: PEDSTest.com, LLC.,2002.

12. Glascoe FP, Sturner R. Screening Language Problems in Pediatric Settings. In Tahmne R, Law J. (eds).Communication Problems for General Practitioners.Abbingdon, England: Radcliffe Medical Press, 1999.

13. Glascoe FP. Developmental Screening. In S. Parker and B. Zuckerman (eds)Behavioral and Developmental Pediatrics: A Handbook for Primary Care-2nd Ed.Boston: Little Brown & Company, 2005.

14. Glascoe FP. Developmental Screening. Website pages for the AAP Section on Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 1998

15. Glascoe FP. Test Development:Parents’ Evaluations of Developmental Status.Brown University Child and Adolescent Newsletter, September, 1998.

16. Glascoe FP.A Validation Study of the Comprehensive Inventory of Basic Skills - Revised: Technical Manual.Curriculum Associates, Inc., NorthBillerica, Massachusetts, 1998.

17. Brigance A, Glascoe FP. Brigance Infant Toddler Screen. Curriculum Associates, Inc., North Billerica, MA, 2002.

18. Glascoe FP. Technical Manual for the Brigance Screens. Curriculum Associates, Inc. North Billerica, MA, 2000

19. Glascoe FP. School Readiness and Its Measurement’. Paper prepared for the Centre for Community Child Health, Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne, 2002

20. Glascoe FP.About PEDS.Tennessee Pediatrician, Spring, 1999.

21. Glascoe FP. Detecting and Addressing Developmental and Behavioral Problems in Young Children. in A. Bergman (ed). 20 Common Problems in Pediatrics, McGraw-Hill, 2000.

22. Glascoe FP, Myszka M, McLaughlin FJ. TennCare Changes Child Health Supervision Visit Requirements. Tennessee Pediatrician. Fall, 2000. http://www.tnaap.org/TN_pediatrician_Fall2000_EPSDT.htm

23. Glascoe FP. Preface. In Josep Bras (ed). Pediatrias y Pacientes. Springer-Verlanger, Publishers, 2002.

24. Glascoe FP. Uso DeLaEvaluación Por Los Padres Del Estado De Desarrollo Para Detectar Y Tratar Problemas Del Desarrollo Y Del Comportamiento En Atención Primaria. MTA Pediatria, 2001

25. Glascoe FP. Communicating with health care providers about developmental and behavioral topics.Kidsgrowth.com, 2001.

26.Glascoe FP. Kundell S. How to Improve Patient Flow, Satisfaction, and Quality of CarePatient Care, 2002;36:77-80, 83-4.

27. Glascoe FP. Promoting Healthy Families.Newsletter of the New Jersey Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics. December 2001. http://www.aapnj.org/Newsletter/Volume23.4/HealthyFamilies.html

28. Glascoe FP Detecting Developmental and School Problems. in ML Wolraich (ed).Disorders of Development and Learning: A Practical Guide to Assessment and Management. 4 ed. Chicago: Mosby-Year Book, Inc., 2002.

29. Glascoe FP. Developmental and Behavioral Screening. In JAMulick, JW Jacobson,(eds).Handbook of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities: Issues in Clinical Child PsychologyNew York: Kluwer Academic Publishers,2007 (p. 353-372).

30.Glascoe FP. Developmental-Behavioral Screens for Primary Care.AAP News,January, 2003

31. Glascoe FP, Macias M. Implementing the AAP’s New Policy on Developmental and Behavioral Screening,Contemporary Pediatrics 2003;4:85-104.

32. Glascoe FP.Technical Manual of the Brigance Inventory of Early Development. North Billarica, MA: Curriculum Associates, Inc. 2004

33. Glascoe FP.Technical Manual for the Brigance Screens-II. Curriculum Associates, Inc. North Billerica, MA, 2006

34. Glascoe FP. Brigance Parent-Child Interactions Scale.Newsletter of the AAP’s Section on DB Peds, 2005 (downloadable at www.pedtest.com)

35. Marks K, Glascoe FP. Developmental screening and surveillance . In Kliegman RM, Behrman RE, Jenson HB, Stanton BF.Nelson’s Textbook of Pediatrics, 19th edition. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders Publishing, 2009

36. Glascoe FP.Early Detection. In Weitzman M (ed).Bright Futures Manual. Elk Grove Village, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics, 2007

37. Glascoe FP, Dworkin PH. Screening and Surveillance of Development and Behavior. In M Wolraich, D Drotar, PH Dworkin, E Perrin (eds).Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics(3rd edition, in press).

39. Glascoe FP, Robertshaw NS.Parents’ Evaluation of Developmental Status: Developmental Milestones (PEDS-DM). Nolensville, Tennessee: PEDSTest.com, LLC, 2007.

40. Glascoe FP, Robertshaw NS. Five Reasons to Screen.Contemporary Pediatrics.July, 2007.

41. Glascoe FP. Accurate Developmental-Behavioral Screening Saves Time and Improves Care and Reimbursement at Well-Child Visits.Pediatric News,August, 2007

42. Marks KP, Glascoe FP. Developmental and Academic Surveillance and Screening. In M. Augustyn, B. Zuckerman & EB Caronna (eds).Zuckerman Parker Handbook of Behavioral and Developmental Pediatrics for Primary Care. (3rd Ed.)Philadelphia: Lippencott Williams & Wilkins, 2011.

43. Glascoe FP, Marks KP. Early detection of developmental-behavioral problems. In A. Majnemer (Ed). Measures of outcomes and their determinants for children and youth with developmental disabilities. London: Mackeith Press, (in press).


1.Borowitz KC, Glascoe FP: In reply: Response to a letter to the Editor by WF Frankenburg re: Insensitivities of the Denver Developmental Screening Test in Speech-Language Screening.Pediatrics 1987;80:302.

2.Glascoe FP: In Reply: Response to a Letter to the Editor by B. Felt, T. Stancinre: A Comparative Review of Developmental Screening Tests.Pediatrics. 1991;88:182‑183.

3.Glascoe FP. In Reply: Response to a Letter to the Editor by RD Cunningham re: Can Clinical Judgement Detect Children with Speech‑Langague Problems?Pediatrics1991;88:875‑876.

4.Glascoe FP: In Reply: Response to a Letter to the Editor by M. Levine, re: A Comparative Review of Developmental Screening Tests. Pediatrics. 1992; 89:170‑171.

5.Glascoe FP. Letter to the Editor re: Kopparthi et al. The Minnesota Child Development Inventory: Validity and Reliability for Assessing Development in Infancy.Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics. 1992;13:142.

6.Glascoe FP, Hoffman EL. Letter to the Editor re: JA Blackman et al. The Validity of Continuing Developmental Follow‑Up of High‑Risk Infants to Age 5 Years.American Journal of Diseases of Children, 1992; 146:904-905.

7.Johnson KA, Ashford LA, Byrne KE, Glascoe FP. Letter to the Editor re: WK Frankenburg et al. Does the Denver‑II produce meaningful results?Pediatrics. 1992;90:477-479.

8.Glascoe FP. Letter to the Editor re: Rogers et al. Parents’ Developmental Perceptions and Expectations for Their High‑Risk Infants.Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics,1992;13:381.

9.Glascoe FP. In reply. Response to a letter to the editor by A. Adesman and commentary by P Dworkin re: The Accuracy of the Denver-II in Developmental Screening.Pediatrics, 1992;90:1009-1010.

10. Glascoe FP. Letter to the Editor re: First and Palfrey: Detecting Developmental Disabilities.New England Journal of Medicine. 1994; 331;54.

11. Glascoe FP. In Reply. Response to a letter to the Editor re: Glascoe FP & Sandler H. The Value of Parents’ Age Estimates of Children’s Development.The Journal of Pediatrics. 1995;127:831-835.

12. Glascoe FP. In reply. Response to a letter to the Editor re: Glascoe FP. Parents’ Evaluations of Developmental Status: Prescreening Technique or Screening Test.Pediatrics, 1997; 100:901-902.

13. Glascoe FP. Kelleher KH. Increasing Identification of Psychosocial Problems

Pediatrics 2001 107: b1496

14. Glascoe FP. A case for psychometrics in developmental screening tests.Pediatrics,submitted in response to commentary by William F. Frankenburg, 2002;109:1181

15. Glascoe FP. Problems with the use of clinical judgment in detecting children with developmental and behavioral problems.Pediatrics,in response to commentary by William Carey, February, 2002.

16. Glascoe FP. In reply-Parents’ Evaluation of Developmental Status (PEDS) use in India.Indian Pediatrics; 2003; 40; 439 - 440.

17. Glascoe FP.Re: Parents’ Evaluation of Developmental Status. J. Paediatr. Child Health (2005) 41, 609-617

18. Glascoe FP. If you don’t ask, parents may not tell: Noticing problems versus expressing concerns.Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine.2006;160:220-221.

19. Glascoe FP, Squires J. Questions about the AAP’s 2006 Policy Statement.Pediatrics, 2007;119: 861-862.

20. Glascoe FP, Squires J. Questions about the ability of broad-band screens to detect children with ASD.Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics. JDBP 2009; 30, 174.


Tamhne RC, Glascoe FP.Ambulatory Child Health: the Journal of General and Community Pediatrics.Continuing quarterly from April 1995 to 2002

Glascoe FP. American Academy of Pediatrics Section on Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics newsletter. Continuing semi-annually from June, 2001.


At the request of the editor ofPediatrics, I have coordinated and co-authored, since 1988, an annual series of book reviews, entitled, “Reviews of Lay Literature in Child Care: What Parents are Reading.” My co-authors and I review approximately 14 books per year. Currently, 66 reviews have been published.A sample of these and other reviews is listed below:

6.Glascoe FP, Moore WR, Henderson J, Martin ED: Reviews of Lay Literature in Child Care: What Parents Are Reading. Your Child’s Self‑esteem: The Key to His Life.Pediatrics 1989;83:966.

16. Glascoe FP, Moore WR, Martin ED: Reviews of Lay Literature in Child Care: What Parents Are Reading. Boys and Girls Book About Divorce,Pediatrics.  1990;86:580.

20. Glascoe FP, Moore WR, Baumgaertel A. Reviews of Lay Literature in Child Care: What Par. Review of JS Palfrey. Community Child Health: An Action Plan for Today.Ambulatory Child Health. 1995;1:87-88

23. Glascoe FP, Moore WR, Baumgaertel A. Reviews of Lay Literature in Child Care: What Parents are Reading: Homework without Tears.Pediatrics. 1991;88: 518.

28. Glascoe FP, Moore WR, Martin ED: Reviews of Lay Literature in Child Care: What Parents Are Reading. The What’s Happening To My Body Book for Girls…Boys.Pediatrics, 1992;89:A79.

51. Glascoe FP. Review of JS Palfrey. “Community Child Health: An Action Plan for Today.”Ambulatory Child Health. 1995;1:87-88

52. Glascoe FP. Hutchison T. Review of “Reviving Primary Care: A US- UK Comparison”.Ambulatory Child Health. 1996; 1:279-280.

53. Glascoe FP. Parent Information on the World Wide Web from the Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.Ambulatory Child Health 1996;2;199-200.

54. Glascoe FP. Review of LA Kurtz et al. “Handbook of Developmental Disabilities. Resources for Interdisciplinary Care.Ambulatory Child Health, 1997, 2;394-395.

55. Glascoe FP. Review of AAP policy statements on developmental and behavioral screening. DB PEDS News, 2005 (www.dbpeds.org)

56. Glascoe FP. Review of Halfon et al. (eds). “Child Rearing in America. “Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine.2003; 157: 493 – 494

  1. Glascoe FP: Parents’ perspective before, during, and after initial diagnoses of children’s mental retardation. Dissertation Abstracts International Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, May, 1986.
  2. Levy S, Glascoe F, Fox JJ: Do we know what to teach? A Methodology for evaluation of work‑related social skills. Washington, D.C.:Paper Presented at Council for Exceptional Children Conference, April 17, 1984
  3. Borowitz KC, Glascoe FP: The Validity of the Language Sector of the Denver Developmental Screening Test in Speech‑Language Screening. Annual Conference of the Ambulatory Pediatrics Association, Washington, D.C., American Journal of Diseases of Children 1985;139:297.
  4. Glascoe FP, Hupp SC: Parents’ Verbal Strategies for Adjusting to Children’s Handicapping Conditions. Gatlinburg, TN, 19th Annual Gatlinburg Conference on Theory and Research in Mental Retardation, March, 1986.
  5. Glascoe FP: Learning Disorders: Diagnosis. Medically Speaking. Invited Presentation on National Public Radio, November 30, 1987.
  6. Glascoe FP: Learning Disorders: Treatment. Medically Speaking. Invited Presentation on National Public Radio, December 23, 1987.
  7. Glascoe FP, Altemeier WA, MacLean WE: Are Parents’ Concerns Valid Indicators of Their Child’s Development? Washington, D.C., Annual Conference of TheAmbulatory Pediatric Association, American Journal of Diseases of Children, 1988;142:383.
  8. Glascoe FP, Altemeier WA, MacLean WE:Using Parents’ Concerns About Children’s Development in Screening. Gatlinburg, TN: 21st Annual Gatlinburg Conference on Research and Theory in Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities. March 23, 1988.
  9. Glascoe FP: Are Parents’ Concerns about Development Important? Invited Interview on the Physicians’ Radio Network, Jackson, Mississippi, August 22, 1989
  10. Glascoe FP: The Importance of Parents’ Concerns. Invited Interview on the Financial Broadcasting Network. Atlanta, Georgia, September 15, 1989.
  11. Glascoe FP. Developmental Screening, Theory and Issues. Interview on Medically Speaking, National Public Radio, May 14, 1990
  12. Glascoe FP. Developmental Screening, Tests and Applications. Interview onMedically Speaking, National Public Radio, May 12, 1990
  13. Glascoe FP: Developmental Screening Tests: A Comparative Review. Presentation to the Annual Meeting of the Division of Early Childhood, Council for Exceptional Children, Albuquerque, New Mexico, October 24, 1990.
  14. Glascoe FP, Improving Recognition of Developmental Disabilities in Primary Care. Presentation to the Second Annual Primary Care Research Conference of the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, San Diego, California, January 15, 1990.
  15. Glascoe FP, Hickson GB, How to Address Parents’ NonMedical Concerns. Invited Workshop Presentation to the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Pediatrics, New Orleans, LA, October, 1991.
  16. Wossum DJ, Glascoe FP, Elias J. The Sensitivity of the Battelle Developmental Inventory Screening Test. American Psychological Association, San Francisco, August, 1991.
  17. Glascoe FP, Byrne K, Chang B, Strickland B. The Accuracy of the Denver‑II in Developmental Screening, presentation to the 9th Annual Meeting of the Society for Behavioral Research, September, 1991. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics. 1991;12:268‑269.
  18. Glascoe FP, Lowe CA, Byrne KE, Wossum DJ, Lee EB. A Comparison of Developmental Screening Tests. Presented to the National Association of School Psychologists. March 26, 1992.
  19. Ireton H, Lewis G, Glascoe FP. Screening and Assessment of Young Children by Parent Report. Symposium to the National Association of School Psychologists. March 26, 1992.
  20. Glascoe FP, Byrne KE, Westbrook AG. The Usefulness of the Battelle Developmental Inventory Screening Test. Presentation to the Ambulatory Pediatric Association Annual Meeting, May, 1992. AJDC, 1992;146:484.
  21. Saylor CF, Lewis GA, Glascoe FP, Ireton H, Colligan R. Child Assessment by Parental Report. Symposium for the American Psychological Association, August, 1992.
  22. Glascoe FP, Byrne KE. The Comparative Accuracy of Two Developmental Screening Tests. Presentation to the Society for Behavioral Pediatrics. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics1992;13:302.
  23. Glascoe FP, Ireton HR. Parents’ Concerns as Indicators of Developmental Problems. 6th Annual Conference on Children at Risk. Santa Fe, New Mexico, September 27, 1992.
  24. Glascoe FP. Using Parents’ Concerns to Detect children with Developmental and Behavioral Problems. Invited Presentation to the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Pediatrics. Chicago, Illinois: March, 1993
  25. Glascoe FP, Hickson GB, Approaches to Office Management of Psychosocial Problems. Invited Workshop Presentation to the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Pediatrics, Chicago, Illinois, March, 1993.
  26. Glascoe FP. Developmental and Behavioral Screening for Practicing Physicians.Physicians’ Health Network. Chicago, Illinois, March, 1993.
  27. Glascoe FP, Byrne KE. The accuracy of three developmental screening tests. Presentation to the Annual Meeting of the Council for Exceptional Children, San Antonio, Texas, April, 1993.
  28. Glascoe FP. Adolescent Body Image. Special Report Television. Los Angelos, CA., April, 1993
  29. Glascoe FP. School Underachievement. Special Report Television. Los Angelos, CA, April, 1993.
  30. Glascoe FP, Ireton HR, Chesky RR. Office-Based Approaches to Psychosocial Surveillance. Workshop for the Ambulatory Pediatric Association, May, 1993.
  31. Glascoe FP. The Relationship between parents’ concerns and children’s global dealys. AJDC 1993;147:451-452. Presentation to the Ambulatory Pediatric Association, May, 1993.
  32. Trimm F. Glascoe FP. Teaching Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics in Resource Poor Settings. Workshop for the Ambulatory Pediatric Association, May, 1994
  33. Glascoe FP. An Office-Based Approach to Early Detection of Developmental and Behavioral Problems. University of Alabama at Birmingham. Pediatric Grand Rounds, January 14, 1994.
  34. Glascoe FP. Triaging School Problems. Invited Presentation to The Jefferson County Pediatric Society, Birmingham, Alabama
May 18, 1994
  1. Glascoe FP. Do Parental Characteristics Influence the Accuracy of their Developmental and Behavioral Concerns. Presentation to the Ambulatory Pediatric Association Annual Meeting, May, 1994. Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine. 1994; 148, p80
  2. Glascoe FP. Developmental Surveillance and Developmental Screening. Invited Workshop for the Society for Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics. Minneapolis, Minnesota. September, 1994.
  3. Trimm F. Glascoe FP. Rotations and Longitudinal Experiences in Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics. Workshop for Residency Training Coordinators at the Ambulatory Pediatric Association, May, 1995
  4. Glascoe FP. An Office-Based Approach to Early Detection of Developmental and Behavioral Problems. Presentation to the American Academy of Pediatrics, Continuing Medical Education Course, November, 1995.
  5. Glascoe FP. Triaging Patients with School Problems. Presentation to the American Academy of Pediatrics, Continuing Medical Education Course, November, 1995.
  6. Glascoe FP. The Accuracy of the Brigance Screens in Detecting Children with Disabilities. Divison of Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children Annual Meeting, December,1996
  7. Glascoe FP. Developmental Monitoring. Pediatric Grand Rounds. University of Connecticut, Hartford, January, 1997.
  8. Glascoe FP. Do the Brigance Screens Detect Children with Disabilities. Council for Exceptional Children Annual Meeting, April, 1997.
  9. Glascoe FP. Escuchar a Los Padres: Los Preoccupaciones del desarrollo y comportamiento de los ninos. Presentation to the Catalonian Pediatric Society, Barcelona, Spain, February, 1997.
  10. Glascoe FP. Escuchar a Los Padres: Una aproximación a la supervisión del desarrollo y comportamiento basada en sus manifestaciones. Presentation to the Interdisciplinary Symposium of Pediatric Psychologists. Barcelona, Spain, February, 1997.
  11. Glascoe FP. Developmental Surveillance. Presentation to the Western Melbourne Division of General Practice. Ballarat, Australia, April, 1997
  12. Glascoe FP. Using Parents’ Evaluations of Developmental Status in Public Health Nursing. Victoria Department of Health and Community Services. Melbourne, Australia, April, 1997.
  13. Glascoe FP. Developmental Screening and Surveillance. Presentation to the Cenre for Community Child Health and Ambulatory Paediatrics. Royal Children’s Hospital. Melbourne, Australia, April, 1997
  14. Glascoe FP. Developmental Screening in Children. Presentation to the Liverpool Hospital. Sydney, Australia, April, 1997
  15. Glascoe FP. Pros and cons of Screening via Questionnaire. Presentation to the Faculty of Community Child Health, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney, Australia, April, 1997
  16. Glascoe FP. Early Detection of Developmental and Behavioral Problems. Grand Rounds. Dept. of Pediatrics, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, September, 1997.
  17. Glascoe FP. Developmental Surveillance. Presentation to the American Academy of Pediatrics, New Orleans, November, 1997.
  18. Glascoe FP. Ambulatory Child Health. Presentation to the European Society for Research in Ambulatory Pediatrics. Florence, Italy, November, 1997.
  19. Glascoe FP, Grant P. Developmental and Behavioral Surveillance in Primary Care. Workshop for the Ambulatory Pediatric Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA: May, 1998.
  20. Glascoe FP. What do parents’ concerns reveal about children’s risk for disabilities and school failures. Research presentation for the Ambulatory Pediatric Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, May, 1998
  21. Glascoe FP. Grand Rounds/Visiting Professor. University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, May, 1998.
  22. Glascoe FP. Early Identification of Children with Special Needs. Keynote Address.Olms National Health Care Conference. Murfreesboro, TN, October, 1998
  23. Glascoe FP.Parents’ Evaluation of Developmental Status.Grand Rounds, Dept of Paediatrics, Monash University, Melbourne Australia, March, 1999
  24. Glascoe FP.Validation of Parents’ Evaluation of Developmental Status. Grand Rounds, Royal Children’s Hospital, University of Melbourne, Australia, March, 1999
  25. Glascoe FP. An Accurate and Brief Method for Detecting Developmental and Behavioral Problems. National Association of Pediatric Nurse Associates and Practitioners, Annual Meeting, April, 1999
  26. Glascoe FP. Psychosocial Differences In Families According to Type of Primary Care Health provider. Presentation to the Ambulatory Pediatric Association, annual meeting, May, 1999. Pediatrics Vol. 103 No. 4 Supplement April 1999, pp. 911-939
  27. Glascoe FP. Brief Approaches to Early Detection of Developmental and Behavioral Problems. National Association of Nurse Practitioners.July, 1999
  28. Glascoe FP. Collaboracion con los Padres. Presentation to the Spanish Pediatric Society. October, 1999.
  29. Glascoe FP. Screen and Screen Again. Presentation to the American Academy of Pediatrics, Fall meeting, October, 1999
  30. Stein, MT, Glascoe FP, Dworkin P. Issues in Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics. UPDATE audiotape series for the American Academy of Pediatrics, October, 1999
  31. Glascoe FP. Quick Methods for Detecting and Addressing Developmental and Behavioral Problems in Primary Care. Grand Rounds, Ray Kroc Visiting Professorship, University ofSouth Alabama. March 23, 2000
  32. Glascoe FP. Screening for Developmental Behavioral Problems in Pediatrics. Grand Rounds, Winthrop University. April 25, 2000
  33. Glascoe FP. Parents’ Evaluation of Developmental Status: Developmental and Behavioral Surveillance. The Second International Congress on Pediatrics in the Community. Jerusalem, Israel: April 10, 2000.
  34. Glascoe FP. Ambulatory Child Health: The Journal of General and Community Pediatrics. The Second International Congress on Pediatrics in the Community. Jerusalem, Israel: April 10, 2000.
  35. Glascoe FP. The Utility of Parents’ Evaluation of Developmental Status with School Age Children. Presentation to the Ambulatory Pediatric Association, May, 2000
  36. Glascoe FP. Are False-Positives on Screening Tests Really a Problem? . Presentation to the Ambulatory Pediatric Association, May, 2000
  37. Glascoe FP. Can physicians depend on teacher ratings to identify children with academic problems? Presentation to the Society for Behavioral Pediatrics, September, 2000. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 21;387;2000.
  38. Glascoe FP. Screen and Screen Again. Presentation to the American Academy of Pediatrics, October, 2000.
  39. Glascoe FP. The New Developmental and Behavioral Screening Guidelines for Tennessee’s Managed Medicaid Program: Train the Trainer .Presentationto representatives from Tennessee Health Maintenance Organizations. January 9, 2001.
  40. Glascoe FP.Brief Developmental-Behavioral Screening Tools. Presentation to the Alabama Medical Society. March, 2001.
  41. Glascoe FP. Trends and Issues in Developmental Screening. Wake County Health Professionals Organization. April, 2001
  42. Glascoe FP. Early detection and Early Intervention. Presentation to the New York Chapter of the United Cerebral Palsy Association. September, 2001
  43. Glascoe, FP. How well do parents’ concerns identify children with behavioral and emotional problems? Presentation to the Ambulatory Pediatric Association, May, 2001
  44. Glascoe, FP. Safety Word Inventory and Literacy Screen. Presentation to the Ambulatory Pediatric Association, May, 2001.
  45. Glascoe, FP. The Brigance Infant and Toddler Screen. Presentation to the Society for Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, September, 2001.
  46. Glascoe FP. Detecting and Addressing Developmental and Behavioral Problems. Grand Rounds. University of California at Santa Clara, October 17, 2001.
  47. Glascoe FP. Modifiable Risk Factors and Developmental Problems. Presentation to the University of Melbourne, Australia, Centre for Community Child Health, November 5, 2001.
  48. Glascoe FP. Developmental and Behavioral Screening under TennCare EPSDT. Cyber CE courses (X 6). February - March, 2002
  49. Bricker D, Squires J. Glascoe FP. Research on use of parents to complete screening measures on young children. Conference on Research Innovations in Early Intervention. San Diego, CA. March, 2002
  50. Glascoe FP. Clinical Case Conference on Psychosocial Concerns. UCLA Medical Center, March, 2002.
  51. Glascoe FP. Practical Approaches to Developmental Screening in Primary Care. Grand Rounds. University of California, Orange County Medical Center. March, 20, 2002
  52. Glascoe FP. Book Reading, Parenting Behaviors and Psychosocial Risk: Impact on the Development of Infants and Toddlers. Presentation to the Ambulatory Pediatric Association, May, 2002
  53. Glascoe FP. Brigance Infant and Toddler Screen: Standardization and Validation. Presentation to the Ambulatory Pediatric Association, May, 2002.
  54. Emmett G, Deyer B, Glascoe FP. The Ideal Academic Pediatric Office. Presentation to the Division Directors in General Pediatrics’’ Special Interest Group, Ambulatory Pediatric Association, May 2002
  55. Turkewitz D, Glascoe FP. Pediatrics for Family Practice. Presentation to the Pediatrics for Family Practice Special Interest Group. Ambulatory Pediatric Association, May 2002
  56. Glascoe FP. Screening Children for Developmental and Behavioral Problems. Presentation to Institute for Leaders in State Title V CSHCN Programs Workshop. Baltimore, MD: June, 2002.
  57. Glascoe FP. Screening for Developmental and Behavioral Problems without breaking the bank. Grand Rounds. York Family Practice Medicine Residency Program. York, PA July, 2002.
  58. Glascoe FP. Developmental Screening. Conference in Assessment and Intervention. Louisiana State University, August 8, 2002.
  59. Glascoe FP. Screening School Age Children for Psychosocial Problems. Louisiana State University, August 8, 2002.
  60. Glascoe FP. Leadership training in developmental-behavioral screening. State Divisions for Children with Special Health Care Needs. Kansas City, September, 2002.
  61. Glascoe FP, Aylward G. Smith J, Macias M. Developmental Screening And Prescreening: Clinical, Training, And Best Practice Issues. Workshop for the 20thAnnual Meeting of the Society for Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics. September, 2002.
  62. Glascoe FP. Promoting Screening in Primary Care Settings. Regional Meeting of the Ambulatory Pediatric Association, Rochester, October, 2002.
  63. Glascoe FP. Grand Rounds: : Detecting and Addressing Developmental Problems in Primary Care, University of South Florida, January 2003.
  64. Glascoe FP.Detecting and Addressing Developmental Problems in Primary Care. Presentation to the New Hampshire Pediatric Society. April, 2003
  65. Glascoe FP. Grand Rounds: Detecting and Addressing Developmental Problems in Primary Care, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, April 2003
  66. Glascoe FP. Why Screen? Annual Developmental Behavioral Conference, University of Southern Illinois, April, 2003
  67. Glascoe FP. Methods for Early Developmental Detection in Primary Care. Presentation Series to Minnesota Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, Minnesota Pediatric Society, Minnesota Early Intervention System. April, 2003.
  68. Glascoe FP, Oberklaid F, Hamel S, Ploof D. A Systems Approach to Detecting and Addressing Developmental and Behavioral Problems: Working with Residents, Faculty, and Community. Presentation to the Ambulatory Pediatric Association, May, 2003
  69. Glascoe FP. New Methods for Detecting Developmental and Behavioral Problems. Presentation to the Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics Special Interest Group, May, 2003
  70. Glascoe FP. Efficient Tools for Developmental-Behavioral Screening in Primary Care. Grand Rounds. Medical College of South Carolina, Charleston, May 23, 2003.
  71. .Glascoe FP. Efficient Tools for Developmental-Behavioral Screening in Primary Care. Grand Rounds State University of New York at Syracuse, June 2003.
  72. Glascoe FP. Parents’ Evaluation of Developmental Status. Pediatric Society of New York, June, 2003.
  73. Glascoe FP. Grand Rounds: Detecting and Addressing Developmental and Behavioral Problems in Primary Care. Nemours Hospital, Dept of Pediatrics, July, 2003
  74. Glascoe FP. School Readiness Policy: A US perspective. Presentation to the Australian School Readiness Summitt, August, 2003
  75. Glascoe FP. The Brigance Screens: A measure of school readiness. Presentation to the Australian School Readiness Summitt, August, 2003
  76. Glascoe FP. Early Detection and Referral of Children with Developmental and Behavioral Problems. Presentation to leaders in maternal child health. Las Cruces New Mexico, October, 2003
  77. Glascoe FP. Workshops on developmental screening for UCLA and LA Connect. Los Angeles, California, January 25th to 28, 2004
  78. Glascoe FP. How to provide developmental/behavioral Screening in Primary care: effectively and efficiently. University of Nebraska, Omaha, Grand Rounds January 29, 2004
  79. Glascoe FP. Developmental/Behavioral Screening. All Kinds of Minds Conference, Greenville, South Carolina, March 19 through 20th, 2004.
  80. Glascoe FP Robertshaw N. presentations to Harrow and Solihull Health Trust on early detection and electronic PEDS. March 11 - 26, 2004
  81. Glascoe FP. Screening without Breaking the Bank. Grand Rounds, Nemours Hospital, Thomas Jefferson Medical School, March 31, 2004
  82. Glascoe FP. Early Detection in Primary Care. Grand Rounds, U. of Wisconsin, Madison, April 1, 2004.
  83. Glascoe FP. First Signs Training.Doylestown Hospital Dept of Pediatrics, April 22, 2004
  84. Glascoe FP. Developmental/Behavioral Screening. Webcast for Harrisburg Public Television, Department of Education, State of Pennsylvania, May 13, 2004
  85. Glascoe FP. Developmental/Behavioral Screening. Hackensack Medical Center Annual Conference on developmental/behavioral screening. Hilton Head, South Carolina, May 25, 2004
  86. Glascoe FP, Robertshaw N. Using Parents’ Evaluation of Developmental Status to Detect and Address problems. Presentations to LA Health Department,LA Connect, Families First, June 28th and 29th, 2004.
  87. Glascoe FP. Measurement of development. Presentation to American Academy of Pediatrics Developmental Behavioral Board preparation course, Chicago, Illinois, August 11, 2004.
  88. Dworkin P., Glascoe FP. Early Detection of Developmental and Behavioral Problems using Information from Parents. Grand Rounds. U. of Hawaii, October 14, 2004
  89. Glascoe FP. Developmental Screening and Surveillance. Hawaii Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics. Honolulu, HI, October 15, 2004
  90. Glascoe FP. Early Detection: Can Parents’ Help. Consortium of Non-Medical Providers, Honolulu, HI, October 15, 2004.
  91. Wiseman N., Glascoe FP. First Signs Detection Course. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics. Madison, October 29, 2004.
  92. Wiseman N. Glascoe FP. First Signs Detection Course. Consortium of Non-Medical Providers, Madison, Wisconsin, October 30, 2004.
  93. Glascoe FP. Addressing and Detecting Developmental and Behavioral Problems in Primary Care. 13th Annual William DeLoache Seminar in Pediatrics. November 11, 2004, Greenville, South Carolina
  94. Glascoe FP. Developmental/Behavioral Screening and Surveillance. Grand Rounds, U. of South Carolina, Greenville, November 12, 2004.
  95. Glascoe FP, Robertshaw NS. Online Developmental Screening. Presentation to the National Health Trust publishing division, November 18, 2004.
  96. Glascoe FP. PEDS Overview. Rapid Risk Surveillance Project of the Ontario Health Department. Toronto, Ontario, December 10th, 2004.
  97. Glascoe FP. Langkamp D. Factors Associated with depression in parents and its impact on children’s development. Pediatric Academic Societies, 2003.
  98. Glascoe FP, Robertshaw N. Early Detection of Developmental Problems. Presentation to the Infant Development Association of California. April, 2005
  99. Wiseman N, Glascoe FP. First Signs Detection Course, Wilmington and Dover Delaware, Scranton and Malvern, PA, April 2005.
  100. Wiseman N. Glascoe FP. First Signs Detection Course. National Autism Conference, State College, PA: August, 2005
  101. Wiseman N. Glascoe FP. First Signs Detection Course. Pittsburgh, PA: UPMC Medical Center, September, 2005
  102. Glascoe FP. Using Information from Parents in Early Detection. Keynote address to the New Hampshire Infant Mental Health Association, September, 2005
  103. Wiseman N. Glascoe FP. First Signs Detection Course. Erie, Philadelphia, Scranton, Pittsburgh, REading PA, 2005
  104. Glascoe FP. Using Parents’ Evaluation of Developmental Status. York health Care System. York, PA November, 2005.
  105. Glascoe FP. First Signs Detection Course. Guatemala City, Guatemala, March, 2006
  106. Glascoe FP, Wiseman N et al. First Signs Train the Trainer Course. Hershey, Pennsylvania, April, 2006.
  107. Shapiro H. Glascoe FP. Using the Screening Tutorial on www.dbpeds.org. Workshop for the Ambulatory Pediatrics’ Association, May, 2006
  108. Glascoe FP, Macias M, Wegner L. Are Parents’ Willing to Pay for Developmental Screening? Presentation to the Ambulatory Pediatrics’ Association, May 2006.
  109. Glascoe FP, Robertshaw N. Screening in Primary Care: Validation of Parents’ Evaluation of Developmental Status: Developmental Milestones (PEDS-DM).Presentation at the Society for Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics Meeting, Philadelpha, PA, September, 2006. Online at www.pedstest.com
  110. Brothers K. Glascoe FP, Robertshaw N. The Psychometry of Parents’ Evaluation of Developmental Status: Developmental Milestones (PEDS-DM).Presentation at the Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, May, 2007.
  111. Glascoe FP. Evidence-based approaches to developmental surveillance. (Series ofPresentations at Alberta Children’s Hospital.Calgary, Canada, February, 2008
  112. Glascoe FP. Making Use of Information from Parents to Detect Children with Developmental and Behavioral Problems.Keynote Presentation to the European Society for Social Pediatrics.Reykjavik, Iceland, October, 2008
  113. Glascoe FP. How and Why Developmental-Behavioral Screening in Primary Care is Do-able: Saves Time, Generates Income. WellSpan Health Systems, York Hospital Grand Rounds, York PA 2009
  114. Glascoe FP. Screening for Mental Health Problems in Primary Care (lecture series). U of SC, Greenville/Spartanburg, 2010.
  115. Glascoe FP, Macias M, Herrera P, Brixey S, Simpson P, Shun-hwa L. How Do Screening Tests Perform in Settings Serving At-risk Populations? Presentation to the Society for Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics, September, 2010.


  1. Glascoe, FP. Mahn KE. Handouts for Practicing Pediatricians. Ambulatory Pediatric Association, 1993.
  2. Reading material for clerkships and housestaff rotations in developmental pediatrics. A compilation of articles and materials on screening, diagnostics, family issues, disabilities, services, public laws and implications for M.D.s, parent handouts for Residents’ Continuity Clinics addressing nonmedical issues.
  3. Parent handouts on various disabilities for families receiving services through the Child Development Center
  4. Glascoe FP: Developmental Screening and Parents. The Lab Report Nashville, TN: The Learning Lab.1988;2:3‑4.
  5. Glascoe FP: Early Identification of Children with Developmental Problems. The Communicator. Newsletter of the Bill Wilkerson Speech and Hearing Center of Vanderbilt University, 1992
  6. Glascoe FP, Hannah J. Physicians’ Guide to Special Education Laws. Davidson Country Pediatric Association Newsletter. May, 1992.
  7. Glascoe FP, Hannah J. Physicians’ Guide to Special Education Services. Davidson Country Pediatric Association Newsletter, July, 1992.
  8. Glascoe FP, Robinson J, Hamilton J. Developmental/behavioral handouts for practicing pediatricians, Davidson County Pediatric Association.
  9. Glascoe FP. Handouts for Primary Care. Ambulatory Pediatric Association, 1995. http://www.ambpeds.org/ParentHandouts/APAHandoutsTOC.html
  10. Glascoe FP.AAP Section on Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics Newsletter,various semi -annual contributions (posted on dbpeds.org).