Instant Results

PEDStest Online® provides instanct access to the following tests:

  • PEDS – The evidence-based screen that elicits and addresses parents concerns about children’s language, motor, self-help, early academic skills, behavior and social-emotional/mental health. PEDS tells you when parents’ concerns suggest problems requiring referral and which concerns are best responded to with advice or reassurance. PEDS also reduces ‘oh by the way’ concerns, focuses visits, ensures a ‘teachable moment’, and is known to improve attendance at well-visits.
  • PEDS:DM® – The milestones-based checklist measure consisting of 6-8 questions, depending on the age-range (older children have academic items). Each item taps a different developmental domain: expressive language, receptive language, fine motor, gross motor, social-emotional, self-help, academics in both reading and math (older children).
  • PEDS:DM-AL® – The mid-level assessment measure of development, social-emotional, & mental health that provides age-equivalent and % of delay scores in ALL domains (Fine Motor, Gross Motor, Expressive Language, Receoptive Language, Self-Help, Social-Emotional, Academic/Pre-Academic, Cognitive). PEDS:DM-AL® is useful for settings where children have elevated risk for developmental-behavioral problems and where longitudinal progress monitoring is needed.

PEDS Online® includes each of the measures above and offers instant, automated scoring, generates parent summary reports, referral letters as well as diagnostic/procedure codes for billing/reimbursement.