Ease of Use
Saves Time
- No need to hand-score, dictate reports, rummage for billing information and ICD-10 codes. These are automatically generated by PEDS Online®.
- No need to elicit milestones informally (which are known to miss most children with problems). Parents can self- administer PEDS:Developmental Milestones to ensure accurate early detection.
- No need to fumble for questions to elicit parents’ concerns. PEDS provides validated questions and accurate decision support.
- Shortens visits and eliminates “oh by the way concerns” when using PEDS before or at the beginning of the encounter.
Ensures Audit Documentation
- Ensures compliance with Medicaid mandates
- Provides proof that validated, standardized screens were used
Increases Clinic Revenues
- Provides needed codes for optimal reimbursement
- Helps ensure that clinics receive ~ $10.00 – $13.00 per screen, even while PEDS Online® costs less than $2.76 for all 3 screens we offer.
Improves Quality of Care
- Increases parent and provider satisfaction
- Ensures accurate decision-making about children and families’ needs
- Ensures that screens are correctly administered (e.g., if answers are circled on PEDS but no words are written on the forms).
- Provides support for Quality Improvement and Maintenance of Certification efforts, via a searchable database, and abundant content on www.pedstest.com offering background information, current research updates, etc.
Provides Training Support
- slide shows, videos, case examples, Frequently Asked Questions, and other guidance helpful for training staff and providers
- email and telephone support from PEDS Online® staff