Integrating PEDS and PEDS:DM® Test Results with your EMR

PEDS provides several options for integrating our test results with patient records within your EMR (Electronic Medical Record). These options require technical assistance on your side and must be compliant with HIPAA/HITECH standards and regulations for secure electronic transmission and exchange of patient health information (PHI).

With so many EMR software products in use today, each customer solution is unique and requires careful technical considerations before implementation. A successful integration depends on the availability and expertise of your technical staff and usually support from your EMR vendor.

The most important part of integration is the technical staff we’ll have to work with at your institution. If they are familiar with the EMR software and your network, progress can usually be made quickly.

An important concept about integration is that we can accept data from your institution and send data back, but PEDS cannot directly access patient records in your EMR. The task of getting data to and from your EMR must be done by you.

Options and Methods of Integration:

  • Secure electronic transmission: VPN or HTTPS
  • Message formats: HL7/XML/JSON
  • Custom solutions available on a consulting basis

What’s required on your side:

  • Technical Staff

    You’ll need technical staff or IT professionals we can work with online (Skype) or by telephone. These personnel need a clear understanding of how your EMR works regarding importing and exporting PHI. They will need to know how to configure electronic access to your network and your EMR, as well as how and where to place the test results received from us.

    In almost all cases, you will need to dedicate at least 8-12 hours (sometimes more) of technical time to initiate any of the integration options listed above. We will set up appointments with your staff to discuss the overall process of integration and which of the options best applies or acoomodates your needs.

  • Technical Issues for IT Staff

    • An understanding of the PHI message format (HL7/XML/JSON)
    • Knowledge of PHI export/import capabilities in your EMR
    • Knowledge of the network configuration (VPN/HTTPS)
  • Sample Workflow between PEDS and your EMR

    • Send patient demographic data to PEDS, usually initiated when your EMR sends an Order
    • Go to the PEDS website. The test is auto-filled with demographic data from the Order
    • Take the test and submit it for grading. The results are sent to your EMR.

How to Work with PEDStest Online® Technical Staff

Our primary goal is to assist you quickly and efficiently to achieve real-time integration of our test results within your patient’s EMR record. Our technical staff is happy to discuss your best options for integration and the method most compatible with your system and workflow. Initial consultations are available by appointment Monday through Friday from 9am to 5pm EST.

  • Costs

    Consultations (first 3 hours by phone or Skype) are included with your PEDS Online® license. Additional costs are determined by the type of technical assistance you may need.

  • On-site Consultation, Programming and Configurations

    We are happy to arrange an on-site visit to meet with your technical team and discuss how best to work toward integration. In some cases this will be the most efficient means of achieving successful integration in the most efficient time-frame. Feel free to call us to discuss this option.