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Welcome to our research pages! Within we provide abstracts of current studies with commentary, and guidance for researchers working on new projects. We also include a comparison of commonly used tools based on costs, practice expense/benefits, psychometric foundations, etc.

After reading through these pages, if you have a study to share or need to discuss a project, please contact us. For research projects we encourage you to use PEDS Online® because its scoring is accurate and automated. The site includes PEDS-R®, PEDS:Developmental Milestones® and the Modified Checklist of Autism in Toddlers, provides referral letters when needed, parent take-home summary reports, and generates an exportable database of results that can be concatenated with other measures/study protocols. We can also license digital copies of our measures as needed.

Dr. Glascoe and her colleagues have done a great deal of research on PEDS® and its accuracy. Below you’ll find links to some of the articles.

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Jun 22, 2023

Role of Parents’ Evaluation of Developmental Status in detecting developmental delay in young children

Prahbhjot Malhi, Pratibha Singhi
Published In: Indian Pediatrics, 2002; 39:271-275

The importance of early identification of children with developmental delay has emerged in recent years as a matter of growing concern among pediatricians(1-3). There is, however, no consensus as to how such early identification can be optimally performed. Some of the commonly used techniques include reviewing developmental milestones with parents, relying on clinical judgement based on history, physical examination and observation(4,5). However, physicians subjective impressions and their estimates of children’s developmental status is often inaccurate(6).

Research reveals almost half of the children with developmental disabilities are not identified by their pediatricians(7). Research over the last several decades has endeavoured to identify the most appropriate and cost effective method for early detection of children with developmental problems(8). One screening method developed in recent years elicits parents’ concerns regarding children’s development status(9). A study has documented that parents who expressed concerns about speech, language, fine motor or cognitive skills had children with an 80% chance of failing standardized developmental screening(10). On the other hand, parents who felt that their children were developing normally or who had concerns only about behavior, self help or socio-emotional development had children with a 94% chance of passing screening. The importance of parents concerns about their children’s development is unknown in our country, although it has been found to be a useful clinical tool in the West(11). In the Indian context an important question is whether a developmental concern reflects a child’s true deviation or does it simply reveal parental anxiety? Moreover, does not expressing a concern mean that the child is developing normally or does it reveal that the Indian parents are not well informed about normal development or that they are hesitant to discuss non-medical concerns with the physicians?

Keeping this in view, the present study aimed at: (i) identifying the range of concerns parents have about their child’s development; and (ii) evaluating the relationship between parents concerns and the child’s develop-mental status.

Related Files
Role of Parents’ Evaluation of Developmental Status in Detecting Developmental Delay in Young Children

Jun 22, 2023

PEDS in the Australian day-care setting: Developmental concerns of parents and carers

Coghlan D, Kiing JS, Wake M J
Research & Public Health Unit, Centre for Community, Child Health, Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Published In: Paediatric Child Health, 2003 Jan-Feb; 39(1):49-54

OBJECTIVE: To trial the Parents’ Evaluation of Developmental Status (PEDS) as an instrument for reporting developmental concerns for Australian preschool children.

METHOD: A cross-sectional survey of parents and carers of 262 children attending five day-care centres and two kindergartens in Melbourne was conducted between October and November 1999. Parents and carers completed the written PEDS questionnaire, comprising 10 questions eliciting concerns about learning, development and behaviour, and answered questions about the acceptability and use of the PEDS. RESULTS: Of 445 children, 389 were eligible for inclusion. Complete parent and carer PEDS data were available for 262 children (67% response: 47% boys; 53% girls) aged from 18 months to 5 years, 9 months. Most parents found the PEDS questionnaire easy to complete (98%) and likely to be useful to health professionals (89%). Twenty-four children (9%) were classified as being at high-risk of disabilities and 49 (19%) were classified as being at medium-risk of disabilities. Parents of 125 children (48%) reported no concerns. The prevalence of parental concerns was similar to the USA norming sample. Carers reported similar prevalences of concerns. Although overall agreement was high, parent/carer kappa-values were modest, being highest for the gross motor (kappa = 0.40) and social-emotional (kappa = 0.37) domains.

CONCLUSIONS: The PEDS is acceptable to parents of Australian preschool children, with a prevalence of significant concerns (i.e. children at highand medium-risk of developmental problems) that is similar to those in the USA. Further research is needed to assess what factors differentially influence whether a concern is felt in a particular domain for a particular child.

Related Files:
Parents’ Evaluation of Developmental Status in the Australian day-care setting: developmental concerns of parents and carers

Jun 22, 2023

Intelligence and achievement of children referred following sexual abuse.

JJones DA, Trudinger P, Crawford M.
Child Protection Unit, Mater Children's Hospital, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
Published In: Paediatric Child Health, 2004 Aug;40 (8):455-60

OBJECTIVE: Little is known about the prevalence of intellectual and academic problems in sexually abused children. Such problems may have significant implications for their management. This study examined the prevalence of such problems in a population of Australian children referred for sexual abuse evaluation. The study also assessed the clinical utility of the Parents’ Evaluation of Developmental Status (PEDS) questionnaire as a screening tool for learning and developmental problems in this population.

METHODS: Over a 12-month period, children referred for sexual abuse evaluation to the Mater Children’s Hospital Child Protection Unit were enrolled and background demographic and abuse related data collected. Parents, many of whom were the suspected perpetrators, completed PEDS and the Child Behavior Checklists (CBCL). Day care providers and schoolteachers completed the corresponding Caregiver or Teacher Report Forms (TRF).

RESULTS: A total of 21 of the 35 eligible children completed all study measures. Mean scores for intelligence and academic achievement were within the average range. However, three (14%) of the tested children were intellectually impaired and three (14%) showed academic underachievement. Sixty-two per cent of children had problems in the clinical range on the CBCL and 33% on the TRF. The PEDS showed a sensitivity of 64%, specificity of 60% with a positive predictive value of 77%.

CONCLUSION: In this population of referred children, over one quarter showed problems with intellectual impairment or academic under achievement. Most of these children were not receiving learning support at school. A high index of suspicion is therefore required when assessing sexually abused children for comorbid intellectual and learning problems.

Comment from Dr. Glascoe: This is certainly lower sensitivity and specificity than I’d like to see but the study makes an important case for having other informants (e.g., foster parents) answer PEDS questions. Parents facing legal action are understandably likely to be defensive and thus less than forthcoming. An alternative is to use a skill-focused measure such as PEDS:Developmental Milestones, preferably via a hands-on professional administration.

Jun 22, 2023

The use of the Filipino Parents’ Evaluation of Developmental Status (PEDS) Among Children aged 0-8 years old.

Joy Ann C. Oreto, Jacqueline O. Navarro, Lourdes Bernadette S
Tanchanco. Department of Pediatrics, The Medical City Hospital, Pasig City, Philippines.

Objective: To elicit the developmental concerns of parents of children aged 0-8 years using the Filipino Parents Evaluation of Developmental Status (PEDS) questionnaire.

Design: Cross-sectional study

Method: The first phase was questionnaire development. The second phase was validation and administration of the questionnaire to parents of children 0-8 years seeking consult in two local health centers in urban cities. Parents were asked to accomplish the Filipino PEDS questionnaire.

Results: The Filipino PEDS questionnaire underwent several revisions until the most acceptable version was obtained. A total of 318 respondents were included with a mean age of 4.5 years. The majority of respondents were mothers (82.7%), high school graduates, married with 1-2 children. Among the respondents’ children, 48 (15%) were classified as Path A (high risk), 54 (17%) were classified as Path B (moderate risk), 64 (20%) were classified as Path C (low risk) and 152 (48%) were classified as Path E (no concerns). Majority (41.5%) had concerns about their child’s behavior. About 97% of the respondents found the PEDS easy to use and 96% found it helpful. In testing for reliability, a Cronbach’s alpha value of 0.8 was obtained.

Conclusions: The Filipino PEDS is a valid and reliable screening tool in eliciting parental concerns. The frequency of concerns in this study is similar to those of the studies done locally and abroad.

Jun 22, 2023

Use of Parents Evaluation of Developmental Status (PEDS) Questionnaire Among Pre-School Children aged 2-5 years old: Developmental Concerns of Parents and Teachers, Fall 2008

R Matibag, J Navarro
Department of Pediatrics, The Medical City, Pasig City, Manila, Philippines

Objective: To elicit parental and teacher concerns about development and behavior among preschool children aged 2-5 years old using the Parents Evaluation of Developmental Status (PEDS) questionnaire and assessing its acceptability.

Method: A cross sectional survey of parents and preschool teachers of children from nine preschools around the Medical City was conducted from June to October 2006. Parents and teachers accomplished the PEDS composed of 10 questions reflecting different developmental concerns. Parents were asked about ease of use and helpfulness of the PEDS. Risks for possible developmental problems based on the PEDS guidelines were determined. Parent and preschool teacher ratings were compared.

Results: A total of 283 parents of preschool students answered the PEDS. The mean age of the children was 4.43 years old. Majority were females (65%). The one accomplished by parents showed 15% had high risk for developmental disabilities and require further evaluation. The teachers’ response was similar (14%) although only 97 children were assessed by the teachers. Majority of concerns of parents and teachers were regarding behavior (37%) followed by concerns with expressive language. Kappa values for parents and teachers rating the same child were highest for expressive language and lowest for fine motor development. Percent agreement for responses was highest for gross motor, self help and other concerns. Majority of respondents (94%) found the PEDS very easy or easy to use with average completion time of 8.83 minutes. Majority (95%) agreed that it was useful as a screening tool.

Conclusions: The study showed the similarities of concerns about childhood development and behavior among different settings. This study also shows the perceived ease of use and applicability of using the PEDS questionnaire as a screening tool for developmental and behavior problem.

May 21, 2020

Improving Access to Early Childhood Developmental Surveillance for Children from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) Background

Karen Edwards, Tania Rimes, Rebecca Smith, Ritin Fernandez, Lisa Stephenson, Jane Son, Vanessa Sarkozy, Deborah Perkins, Valsamma Eapen, Sue Woolfenden
Published In: International Journal of Integrated Care, 2020 20(2): 3, 1–7, Summer 2015

Introduction: Developmental vulnerabilities in pre-school aged children from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds with low English proficiency are less likely to be identified through universal developmental surveillance. Barriers include low parental health literacy and low rates of attendance to mainstream child and family health services. Late detection of developmental vulnerabilities can have lifelong impacts on life trajectory.

Method: Integrated outreach early childhood developmental surveillance was trialled in South East Sydney by local health services with non-government organisations (NGO) delivering early childhood education and support. NGO staff were trained in Parents Evaluation of Developmental Status (PEDS), a validated developmental screening tool to explore parental/carer and provider concerns [1]. Families with children identified with developmental concerns by NGO staff were referred to co-located or visiting Child and Family Health Nurses (CFHN), community child health, speech pathology or developmental services for developmental screening, assessment and/or care planning.

Results: Integrated health and NGO services improved access to developmental surveillance for CALD families in a non-threatening environment enabled by co-locating CFHN, or through visits by paediatric medical/speech pathology staff to participating playgroups.

Conclusions and discussion: Integration supported vulnerable families from CALD backgrounds to access developmental surveillance through child and family health services but required flexibility and adjustments by all involved.

Apr 05, 2020

Validity and Reliability Determination of Parents Evaluation of Developmental Status (PEDS) in 4-60 Months old Children in Tehran

Soheila Shahshahani, Roshanak Vameghi, F. Sajedi, Akbar Biglarian
Published In: Iranian Rehabilitation Journal, 13(2):75-80, Summer 2015

Objectives: There are various developmental screening tools that are different in terms of psychometric characteristics and choosing the best one is challenging for the pediatrician. This research was designed to identify the validity and reliability of Parents Evaluation of Developmental Status, a developmental screening questionnaire, in 4-60 months-old children in the city of Tehran.

Methods: In order to validate the Parents Evaluation of Developmental Status, a precise translation of the questionnaire was performed by the research team. A Persian version was back-translated by three English language experts who were unfamiliar with the Parents Evaluation of Developmental Status. The back-translated version was compared with the original version. The content validity of the finalized Persian version was verified by three pediatricians. The questionnaire was performed on 648 children ranging from 4 to 60 months old in healthcare clinics. A test-retest method with 2-3 weeks interval and Cronbach’s & alpha were used in order to determine the reliability of the questionnaire.

Results: All of the questions in Parents Evaluation of Developmental Status had desirable content validity and there was no need to change them. The total Cronbach’s &alpha coefficient was 0.63, which, when considering the low number of items in Parents Evaluation of Developmental Status, is acceptable. The test-retest correlation coefficient was determined to be 0.87, which is desirable. The estimated Kappa measure agreement between Parents Evaluation of Developmental Status and Ages and Stages Questionnaires was 0.30. Due to the rather large sample size and similarity of the screening results by both questionnaires in 71.5% of cases, it is possible to conclude that this measure is an acceptable one.

Discussion: This research showed that Parents Evaluation of Developmental Status has a good content validity and reliability and can be used for developmental screening of children in Tehran city. Because the test is brief, using it can lead to saving time and resources.

Dec 11, 2019

Parental perception of developmental vulnerability after inter-country adoption: A 10-year follow-up study: Longitudinal study after inter-country adoption

Gary Diamond, Yahuda Senecky, Hadar Reichman, D. Inbar
Published In: International Journal on Disability and Human Development, 14(1):75-80, February 2015

The main goal of this research was to describe the type and level of parents’ concerns about child development and behaviour according to the PEDS test (Parents’ Evaluation of Developmental Status). The sample included 289 parents of children from three to seven years of age, from two preschool institutions in Serbia. A significantly high correlation was determined between parents’ general concerns and expressed concerns with regard to behaviour (χ2 = 17.86, df = 2, p < .001) and getting along with others (χ2 = 22.57, df = 2, p < .000). A marginally significant correlation was determined between parents’ general concerns and manifested concerns with regard to fine motor skills (χ2 = 5.90, df = 2, p = .052), as well as expressive language (χ2 = 5.858, df = 2, p = .053). According to the criteria of PEDS test, this research identified 56.4% of children whose development needed to be monitored, 27.7% of children who needed to be referred for detailed diagnostic procedures, and 1.7% who needed to be included in treatment or special education support.

Jun 05, 2019

Use of Mandarin Parents’ Evaluation of Developmental Status in the Detection of Delays

Teck-Hock Toh, Boon-Chuan Lim, Mohamad Adam Bin Bujang, Muhamad Rais Abdullah, See‐Chang Wong, Jamaiyah Haniff
Published In: Pediatrics International, 2017-05-16, 59, No 8

Objective: We examined the parental perception and accuracy of Mandarin translated Parents’ Evaluation of Developmental Status, a screening questionnaire for parents’ concerns on their child’s various developmental skills.

Methods: The questionnaire was translated into Mandarin. Upon enrollment, caregivers completed the Mandarin PEDS and answered four questions about its acceptability and usefulness, and its ease of understanding and completing. The Mandarin PEDS were independently evaluated by a pediatrician and a community nurse, and classified as ‘high’ risk (> 2 predictive concerns), ‘medium’ risk (1 predictive concern), ‘low’ risk (any non-predictive concerns) or ‘no’ risk (if no concern) for developmental delays. The caregivers repeated Mandarin PEDS at a 2-week interval for test-retest reliability, while their children underwent testing for accuracy using a developmental assessment test.

Results: The majority (> 85%) of the 73 caregivers recruited perceived the Mandarin PEDS as acceptable and useful, as well as easy to understand and complete. Fifteen (20.5%) and 24 (33.9%) responses were classified as high and moderate risks respectively. The test-retest and inter-rater reliabilities were excellent, with intra-class correlation coefficients of 0.812 (95% CI: 0.701, 0.881, p < 0.001) and a kappa value of 0.870 (p < 0.001) respectively. Mandarin PEDS was 80.0% sensitive and 83.8% specific for those in high risk category (adjusted OR = 64.68; 95% CI 1.33, 3139.72; p = 0.035).

Conclusions: The Mandarin PEDS was well received by the caregivers, and it was reliable and accurate in detecting developmental delays among the Mandarin-speaking population. We recommend it for early detection of children with developmental and behavioral problems. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

May 20, 2019

Loss Of SNAP Is Associated With Food Insecurity And Poor Health In Working Families With Young Children.

Stephanie Ettinger de Cuba1, Mariana Chilton, Allison Bovell-Ammon, Molly Knowles, Sharon M. Coleman, Maureen M. Black, John T. Cook, Diana Becker Cutts, Patrick H. Casey, Timothy C. Heeren, Deborah A. Frank
Published In: Health Affairs, 2019-05, 38, No 5

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) helps working families meet their nutritional needs. Families whose earned income increases in a given month may have their SNAP benefits abruptly reduced or cut off in the following month. Using sentinel sample data from 2007-15 for families with children younger than age four, we investigated how SNAP benefit reductions or cutoffs resulting from increased income were related to economic hardships (food and energy insecurity, unstable housing, forgone health and/or dental care, and health cost sacrifices) and to caregiver and child health. PEDS was used to measure developmental-behavioral status. After we controlled for covariates, we found that the groups whose SNAP benefits were reduced or cut off had significantly increased odds of household and child food insecurity, compared to a group with consistent participation in SNAP. Reduced benefits were associated with 1.43 and 1.22 times greater odds of fair or poor caregiver and child health/development, respectively. Policy modifications to smooth changes in benefit levels as work incomes improve may protect working families with young children from increased food insecurity, poor health, and forgone care.

May 01, 2019

Early identification of children with developmental delay and behavioural problems according to parents concerns in the Republic of Serbia

Snežana B., Ilić ORCID Icon, Snežana J. Nikolić, Danijela D., Ilić-Stošović, Špela S. Golubović
Published In: Early Child Development and Care, April 04, 2019

The main goal of this research was to describe the type and level of parents’ concerns about child development and behaviour according to the PEDS test (Parents’ Evaluation of Developmental Status). The sample included 289 parents of children from three to seven years of age, from two preschool institutions in Serbia. A significantly high correlation was determined between parents’ general concerns and expressed concerns with regard to behaviour (χ2 = 17.86, df = 2, p < .001) and getting along with others (χ2 = 22.57, df = 2, p < .000). A marginally significant correlation was determined between parents’ general concerns and manifested concerns with regard to fine motor skills (χ2 = 5.90, df = 2, p = .052), as well as expressive language (χ² = 5.858, df = 2, p = .053). According to the criteria of PEDS test, this research identified 56.4% of children whose development needed to be monitored, 27.7% of children who needed to be referred for detailed diagnostic procedures, and 1.7% who needed to be included in treatment or special education support.

Apr 08, 2019

Early identification of children with developmental delay and behavioural problems according to parents concerns in the Republic of Serbia

Snežana B. Ilić, Snežana J. Nikolić, Danijela D., Ilić-Stošović, Špela S. Golubović
Published In: Early Child Development and Care, Received 01 Feb 2019, Accepted 12 Mar 2019, Published online: 03 Apr 2019

The main goal of this research was to describe the type and level of parents’ concerns about child development and behaviour according to the PEDS test (Parents’ Evaluation of Developmental Status). The sample included 289 parents of children from three to seven years of age, from two preschool institutions in Serbia. A significantly high correlation was determined between parents’ general concerns and expressed concerns with regard to behaviour (χ2 = 17.86, df = 2, p < .001) and getting along with others (χ2 = 22.57, df = 2, p < .000). A marginally significant correlation was determined between parents’ general concerns and manifested concerns with regard to fine motor skills (χ2 = 5.90, df = 2, p = .052), as well as expressive language (χ2 = 5.858, df = 2, p = .053). According to the criteria of PEDS test, this research identified 56.4% of children whose development needed to be monitored, 27.7% of children who needed to be referred for detailed diagnostic procedures, and 1.7% who needed to be included in treatment or special education support.

Sep 18, 2016

Delayed Child Development in Rural Ghana: A Baseline Evaluation

Julius Weng 1,2, Sonia Rego 2, Sarah Gustafson 2,3, Frances Glascoe 4, Diana Rickard 2,3
1 David Geffin School of Medicine at UCLA, 2 Ghana Health and Education Initiative, 3 Department of Pediatrics at UCLA, 4 Vanderbilt University


  • Cognitive stimulation during the first five years of life is critical for proper childhood development.
  • Prior community evaluations in rural Ghana have demonstrated that children in the Bibiani-AnhwiasoBekwai (BAB) district receive inadequate cognitive simulation.


  • To characterize baseline child development in the BAB district.
  • To obtain formative data for developing a mentorship program for first-time mothers and their children.
Sep 18, 2016

Delayed Child Development in Rural Ghana: A Baseline Evaluation


  • Cognitive stimulation during the first five years of life is critical for proper childhood development.
  • Prior community evaluations in rural Ghana have demonstrated that children in the Bibiani-AnhwiasoBekwai (BAB) district receive inadequate cognitive simulation.


  • To characterize baseline child development in the BAB district.
  • To obtain formative data for developing a mentorship program for first-time mothers and their children.
Sep 30, 2015

Celebrating Young Indigenous Australian Children

Sharynne McLeod, Sarah Verdon, Laura Bennetts Kneebone

World-wide it is important to recognize Indigenous children’s speech and language competence and their language learning environments. Indigenous Australian children participated in the child cohort of Footprints in Time: Longitudinal Study of Indigenous Children, a national study supported by Indigenous Australians and the Australian Government collected annually (in waves). There were 692 3-5-year-old children in wave 1, and two years later, 570 5-7-year-old children were in wave 3 (77.0% of children in wave 1 were also in wave 3). Data were obtained via parent interviews and direct assessment. The children spoke between one and eight languages including: English (wave 1: 91.2%, wave 3: 99.6%), Indigenous languages (wave 1: 24.4%, wave 3: 26.8%), creoles (wave 1: 11.5%, wave 3: 13.7%), foreign languages (non-Indigenous languages other than English) (wave 1: 2.0%, wave 3: 5.1%), and sign languages (wave 1: 0.6%, wave 3: 0.4%). Children who spoke an Indigenous language were more likely to live in moderate to extreme isolation than their English-speaking counterparts. Parental concern about speech and language skills was similar to data for non-Indigenous children with approximately one quarter of parents expressing concern (wave 1: yes = 13.9%, a little = 10.4%). Children’s language environments were rich, with many family members and friends telling oral stories, reading books, and listening to the children read. Almost a third of families wanted to pass on their cultural language, and many indicated that they would like their child to learn an Indigenous language at school. Overall, Indigenous Australian children have rich cultural and linguistic traditions and their speech and language competence is promoted through family, community, and educational experiences.

Sep 30, 2015

Celebrating Young Indigenous Australian Children

Sharynne McLeod, Sarah Verdon, Laura Bennetts Kneebone

World-wide it is important to recognize Indigenous children’s speech and language competence and their language learning environments. Indigenous Australian children participated in the child cohort of Footprints in Time: Longitudinal Study of Indigenous Children, a national study supported by Indigenous Australians and the Australian Government collected annually (in waves). There were 692 3-5-year-old children in wave 1, and two years later, 570 5-7-year-old children were in wave 3 (77.0% of children in wave 1 were also in wave 3). Data were obtained via parent interviews and direct assessment. The children spoke between one and eight languages including: English (wave 1: 91.2%, wave 3: 99.6%), Indigenous languages (wave 1: 24.4%, wave 3: 26.8%), creoles (wave 1: 11.5%, wave 3: 13.7%), foreign languages (non-Indigenous languages other than English) (wave 1: 2.0%, wave 3: 5.1%), and sign languages (wave 1: 0.6%, wave 3: 0.4%). Children who spoke an Indigenous language were more likely to live in moderate to extreme isolation than their English-speaking counterparts. Parental concern about speech and language skills was similar to data for non-Indigenous children with approximately one quarter of parents expressing concern (wave 1: yes = 13.9%, a little = 10.4%). Children’s language environments were rich, with many family members and friends telling oral stories, reading books, and listening to the children read. Almost a third of families wanted to pass on their cultural language, and many indicated that they would like their child to learn an Indigenous language at school. Overall, Indigenous Australian children have rich cultural and linguistic traditions and their speech and language competence is promoted through family, community, and educational experiences.

Apr 26, 2015

Parents’ Evaluation of Developmental Status (PEDS): Its Chinese Translation, Validation and Feasibility

Teck-Hock TOH1,2,3 FRCPCH, Boon-Chuan LIM1,3 MRCPCH, Mohamad Adam Bin BUJANG4, BSc (Hons) Statistics, Muhamad Rais ABDULLAH3, MPH, See-Chang WONG1,3 MRCP, Jamaiyah HANIFF4, MSc (Clin Epid)
Department of Pediatrics, Sibu Hospital, Sibu, Sarawak, Malaysia., Clinical Research Centre, Sibu Hospital, Sibu, Sarawak, Malaysia., Lau King Howe Memorial Children Clinic, Divisional Health Office, Sibu, Sarawak, Malaysia, Clinical Epidemiology Unit, Clinical Research Centre, Hospital Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Published In: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Anthology, Volume XVI, Fall, 2014

Objective: This study determined the feasibility and validity of a Chinese-translated Parents’ Evaluation of Developmental Status (PEDS), a questionnaire for parents to report concerns involving language, motor skills, learning, behavior, and social skills of children.

Method: The PEDS questionnaire was translated to Chinese and underwent testing for reliability and validity (sensitivity and specificity) against a diagnostic reference-standard developmental assessment test, Griffiths Mental Development Scales - Extended Revised. Parents / caregivers completed the questionnaire twice within a two-week interval. The scores were assessed separately by a pediatrician and a community nurse. Respondents also answered four study-designed questions about PEDS on acceptability and usefulness as screening tool, and ease of understanding and completing.

Results: Sixty-eight (84.0%) respondents thought the Chinese PEDS was acceptable to screen for children with developmental and behavioral concerns. They rated it as very easy or easy to understand (n = 79, 97.5%) and very easy or easy to complete (n = 79, 97.5%). There was a 71.6% agreement [intra-rater (test-retest) reliability of 0.615 (p < 0.001)] between the first and second PEDS for two predictive concerns, one predictive concern, non-predictive concern or no concern. There was an 88.9% agreement [inter-rater reliability with kappa value 0.849 (p < 0.001)] for the score assessment between pediatrician and community nurse. PEDS had 75.0% sensitivity and 86.2% specificity for two or more predictive caregivers concerns (with adjusted OR 14.53; 95% CI 2.00, 105.83; p = 0.008).

Conclusions: PEDS can be used for early detection of children with developmental problems in the Chinese speaking population.

Oct 10, 2014

A systematic review of the prevalence of parental concerns measured by the Parents’ Evaluation of Developmental Status (PEDS) indicating developmental risk.

Woolfenden S., Eapen V., Williams K., Hayen A., Spencer N., Kemp L.
Published In: BMC Pediatrics, 2014 14:231

This meta-analysis of 37 PEDS studies included a total of 210,242 children/parents. The studies were conducted in the US, Canada, Australia, Thailand, The Philippines, Indonesia, Spain, India and Tanzania. Dr. Woolfenden and colleagues found that parental concerns indicating high developmental risk were associated with multiple risk factors: male gender, low birth weight, poor/fair child health rating, poor maternal mental health, lower socioeconomic status (SES), minority ethnicity, not being read to, a lack of access to health care and not having health insurance. Thus PEDS ensures both developmental-behavioral screening plus psychosocial risk assessment, i.e., surveillance. The authors conclude, “given [that] the prevalence of parental concerns increased with biological and psychosocial adversity, the service response needs to be one of proportionate universalism where the greater the disadvantage, the more services available.”

Oct 10, 2014

A systematic review of the prevalence of parental concerns measured by the Parents’ Evaluation of Developmental Status (PEDS) indicating developmental risk.

Woolfenden S., Eapen V., Williams K., Hayen A., Spencer N., Kemp L.
Published In: BMC Pediatrics, 2014 14:231

This meta-analysis of 37 PEDS studies included a total of 210,242 children/parents. The studies were conducted in the US, Canada, Australia, Thailand, The Philippines, Indonesia, Spain, India and Tanzania. Dr. Woolfenden and colleagues found that parental concerns indicating high developmental risk were associated with multiple risk factors: male gender, low birth weight, poor/fair child health rating, poor maternal mental health, lower socioeconomic status (SES), minority ethnicity, not being read to, a lack of access to health care and not having health insurance. Thus PEDS ensures both developmental-behavioral screening plus psychosocial risk assessment, i.e., surveillance. The authors conclude, “given [that] the prevalence of parental concerns increased with biological and psychosocial adversity, the service response needs to be one of proportionate universalism where the greater the disadvantage, the more services available.”

May 23, 2012

Parents’ Evaluation Of Developmental Status - Validation And Feasibility Of Use Of Its Translated Malay And Mandarin Version

Lim Boon Chuan1, Toh Teck Hock, Mohammad Adam bin Bujan, Jamaiyah Haniff, Wong See Chang, Muhamad Rais Abdullah, Frances Page Glascoe
Department of Paediatrics, Sibu Hospital, Sibu, Sarawak, Malaysia, Clinical Epidemiology Unit, Clinical Research Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Divisional Health Office, Sibu, Sarawak, Malaysia, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, United State of America

Introduction: PEDS is a 10 questions tool used to elicit parental developmental concerns across a number of domains and hence to identify high risk children.

Objective: Testing the validity and reliability of translated PEDS and its use in Malaysia as a developmental screening tool.

Method: PEDS was translated into Malay and Mandarin by linguistics and medical professionals, followed by focussed group discussion. A cross sectional study involving 120 children between 1 and 6 years of age was conducted between 15 February and 31 May 2012 in Sibu. Caregivers completed the translated PEDS and answered questions regarding the acceptability and usefulness. PEDS was repeated 2 weeks later while the children underwent Griffiths Mental Development Scales.

Result: Till 3 May 2012, a total of 86 caregivers were recruited (46 used Malay PEDS, 40 for Mandarin). Preliminary data showed 26% of caregivers reporting 2 or more significant concerns and 17% have no concern. Preliminary analysis showed significant correlation between PEDS and global developmental disabilities and/or language disorder as assessed by the gold standard test (p <0.001), with sensitivity 73.5% and positive predictive value of 67.9%. Agreement test showed high correlation of the intra-raters reliability. Almost all (97.7%) caregivers rated the PEDS as very easy or easy to understand and complete; 90.7% found it acceptable as a developmental screening tool, and 62.1% believe it is very useful for Malaysian health professional.

Conclusions: Final result will be presented and relevant recommendation made to help improving the early detection of children at risk in Malaysia.

Apr 12, 2012

Screening Developmental Domains In Preterm Children: Diagnostic Validity of “Parents’ Evaluation of Developmental Status: Developmental Milestones” (PEDS:DM®) Assessment Level

MA Pritchard, 1,2, T de Dassal, 2, L Johnston, 3, E Beller, 4, F Bogossian, 5, S Callan, 2, C Crothers, 1, D Hovey, 1, S Russo, 5, D Cartwright, 1
1. Centre for Clinical Research, The University of Queensland, 2. Women’s Newborn Services, Royal Brisbane Women’s Hospital, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 3. Nursing and Midwifery, Queen’s University, Belfast, Ireland, 4. Centre for Research in Evidence-Based Practice, Bond University, Robina, 5. Nursing and Midwifery, The University of Queensland, 6. Better Life Psychology, Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Published In: Presentation to the 4th Congress of the European Academy of Paediatric Societies, Istanbul, Turkey, 2012.

BACKGROUND/AIMS: Very preterm children (VPT-born < 29 weeks gestation) are at high risk for delay across a range of developmental domains. The diagnostic utility of the Parents’ Evaluation of Developmental Status: Developmental Milestones (PEDS:DM®) Assessment Level in screening for children with i)domain specific and ii)global cognitive delay was assessed in VPT children.

METHOD: Cross-sectional cohort of infants at 2 and 4-years corrected age for prematurity during 2010. Parents completed the PEDS:DM-Assessment Level® in correctly identifying language, motor and social-emotional domain development which was compared with a blinded 2-year-olds Bayley Scales of Infant Development III, 4-year-olds, Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence-Third Edition, and for both ages a Neurosensory Motor Development Assessment and Adaptive Behaviour Assessment System-Second Edition. Diagnostic validity-screening test characteristics were determined for each domain and global cognition.

RESULTS: Complete data was available on 149/192 (2-years, N = 73 and 4-years, N = 76) children. The prevalence for developmental delay using each tools standardized mean 2 (SD) was lower in all domains and globally compared to the established cut-off PEDS:DM® domain scores (≥25%-16th percentile). Sensitivity and specificity were consistently high (predominately >70%) as was the negative predictive value (>77%). The positive predictive value was lower reflecting the high over-referral rate. Mothers stated they found the assessment useful in articulating their infants’ developmental strengths and weaknesses by domains.

CONCLUSION: This simple tool has good diagnostic utility for identifying domain specific and global cognitive delay and can be used to enhance surveillance, and would be useful in recourse restricted environments.

Feb 26, 2012

A Comparison of Objective Standardised Parent-Administered Questionnaires to that of Subjective Screening Practices for the Early Detection of Developmental Delay in At-Risk Infants

Silva, Melinda, Davies, Vic. Johannesburg, South Africa: University of the Witwatersrand

Methods: 133 Newborn infants admitted longer than 3 days to private-sector neonatal intensive care units were enrolled. 113 of these parents were contacted when their infants were 6-months corrected-age. They completed the ASQ (n=60) and the PEDS COMBINED (n=65) questionnaires at home. Returned questionnaires were compared using an in-subject design. Concordance between the questionnaires was determined with the kappa coefficient (κ) and Test of Symmetry.

Results: Concordance between the ASQ and PEDS COMBINED was 90.7% (κ = 0.82, ρ = 0.05).

The ASQ and PEDS COMBINED identified 40% and 42% of the cohort with developmental concerns. The ASQ and PEDS COMBINED showed excellent interrater agreement, identifying the same infants requiring further developmental assessment. When there was discordance, it was non-significant in the direction of the ASQ being more likely to identify an infant as delayed overall and statistically significant in the direction of the PEDS COMBINED being more likely to identify communication delays (ρ = 0.01)

Conclusions: The ASQ and PEDS COMBINED identify the same infants with developmental concerns. The PEDS COMBINED is more sensitive to communication delays.

Feb 25, 2012

Interpreting Parents’ Concerns About Their Children’s Development With “Parents Evaluation of Developmental Status (PEDS)”: Culture Matters

Kiing, Jennifer S.H., Low, Poh Sim, Chan, Yiong Huak, Neihart, Maureen
Published In: Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics. 2012; 33(2):179-183., 012; 33(2):179-183

Objective: This study explored the potential roles and utility of the Parents Evaluation of Developmental Status (PEDS) to screen children for developmental delays in a Southeast Asian clinical sample of preschool children. The PEDS is a 10-item questionnaire instrument used in pediatric settings for reporting parents’ concerns for their children’s development, learning, and behavior. Clinicians use it to make decisions about clinical pathways for high-, moderate-, and low-risk categories of concerns, but its utility in cross-cultural contexts has not been well documented.

Methods: Participants in this study were 1806 parents, teachers, and child care workers of preschool children in Singapore. Of these, 47.2% were English speaking, 21.2% were Mandarin Chinese speaking, and 31.6% were Malay speaking. PEDS was translated into Chinese and Malay for parents using these languages predominantly.

Results: Only parent results were analyzed. The reporting of significant parental concern was considerably higher than US norms and Australian pilot figures when western cutoff scores were applied. When cutoff scores were adjusted, similar patterns of reporting of high, medium, and low risk for disability could be captured.

Conclusions: Parents’ interpretation of the concept of “concern” varies across language and culture. Findings highlight the importance of evaluating a screening tool’s use in local contexts before its widespread implementation to yield clinically meaningful results.

Comment from Frances Page Glascoe: Culture does matter. Quality translations do too. We’ve been working with Dr. Kiing and colleagues since she sent us the above data in 2001, where we mutually concluded that the Mandarin translation was problematic. It isn’t enough to translate and back-translate. Wording has to be tested by providers and parents to make sure it works as intended. In 2005, after much machinating and vetting, we generated a new translation using an alternative Chinese terms for “Do you have concerns…” that was not synonymous with “Do you care…?”. Back-translated, the phrasing for the Chinese translation is “Are you worried….?” Although we know this doesn’t work in English (only about 2% of English speaking parents will respond and we know that rates of problems are much higher than that), the new translation works well with Chinese speaking parents and ensures their rates of “worries” are commensurate with parents speaking other languages. We thank Dr. Kiing, her colleagues and especially Dr. Teck-Hock Toh for working with us on this issue. We’ve also shared the revised translation with researchers using Survey PEDS within National Survey of Early Childhood Health (NSECH) who found similar problems with their original translation.

Ideally, journal editors/reviewers should ask about the time frame for data collection and if old, should also ask what is known and has been done since then. If such had occurred, this paper would surely not have been published.

So, please also read the subsequent study using better translations of Mandarin by Lim Boon Chuan and colleagues.

Feb 25, 2012

Interpreting Parents’ Concerns About Their Children’s Development With “Parents Evaluation of Developmental Status (PEDS)”: Culture Matters

Kiing, Jennifer S.H., Low, Poh Sim, Chan, Yiong Huak, Neihart, Maureen
Published In: Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics, 2012; 33(2):179-183.

Objective: This study explored the potential roles and utility of the Parents Evaluation of Developmental Status (PEDS) to screen children for developmental delays in a Southeast Asian clinical sample of preschool children. The PEDS is a 10-item questionnaire instrument used in pediatric settings for reporting parents’ concerns for their children’s development, learning, and behavior. Clinicians use it to make decisions about clinical pathways for high-, moderate-, and low-risk categories of concerns, but its utility in cross-cultural contexts has not been well documented.

Methods: Participants in this study were 1806 parents, teachers, and child care workers of preschool children in Singapore. Of these, 47.2% were English speaking, 21.2% were Mandarin Chinese speaking, and 31.6% were Malay speaking. PEDS was translated into Chinese and Malay for parents using these languages predominantly.

Results: Only parent results were analyzed. The reporting of significant parental concern was considerably higher than US norms and Australian pilot figures when western cutoff scores were applied. When cutoff scores were adjusted, similar patterns of reporting of high, medium, and low risk for disability could be captured.

Conclusions: Parents’ interpretation of the concept of “concern” varies across language and culture. Findings highlight the importance of evaluating a screening tool’s use in local contexts before its widespread implementation to yield clinically meaningful results.

Comment from Frances Page Glascoe: Culture does matter. Quality translations do too. We’ve been working with Dr. Kiing and colleagues since she sent us the above data in 2001, where we mutually concluded that the Mandarin translation was problematic. It isn’t enough to translate and back-translate. Wording has to be tested by providers and parents to make sure it works as intended. In 2005, after much machinating and vetting, we generated a new translation using an alternative Chinese terms for “Do you have concerns…” that was not synonymous with “Do you care…?”. Back-translated, the phrasing for the Chinese translation is “Are you worried….?” Although we know this doesn’t work in English (only about 2% of English speaking parents will respond and we know that rates of problems are much higher than that), the new translation works well with Chinese speaking parents and ensures their rates of “worries” are commensurate with parents speaking other languages. We thank Dr. Kiing, her colleagues and especially Dr. Teck-Hock Toh for working with us on this issue. We’ve also shared the revised translation with researchers using Survey PEDS within National Survey of Early Childhood Health (NSECH) who found similar problems with their original translation.

Ideally, journal editors/reviewers should ask about the time frame for data collection and if old, should also ask what is known and has been done since then. If such had occurred, this paper would surely not have been published.

So, please also read the subsequent study using better translations of Mandarin by Lim Boon Chuan and colleagues.

Feb 25, 2012

A Comparison of Objective Standardised Parent-Administered Questionnaires to that of Subjective Screening Practices for the Early Detection of Developmental Delay in At-Risk Infants

Silva, Melinda, Davies, Vic. Johannesburg, South Africa: University of the Witwatersrand, 2010

Methods: 133 Newborn infants admitted longer than 3 days to private-sector neonatal intensive care units were enrolled. 113 of these parents were contacted when their infants were 6-months corrected-age. They completed the ASQ (n=60) and the PEDS COMBINED (n=65) questionnaires at home. Returned questionnaires were compared using an in-subject design. Concordance between the questionnaires was determined with the kappa coefficient (κ) and Test of Symmetry.

Results: Concordance between the ASQ and PEDS COMBINED was 90.7% (κ = 0.82, ρ = 0.05). The ASQ and PEDS COMBINED identified 40% and 42% of the cohort with developmental concerns. The ASQ and PEDS COMBINED showed excellent interrater agreement, identifying the same infants requiring further developmental assessment. When there was discordance, it was non-significant in the direction of the ASQ being more likely to identify an infant as delayed overall and statistically significant in the direction of the PEDS COMBINED being more likely to identify communication delays (ρ = 0.01)

Conclusions: The ASQ and PEDS COMBINED identify the same infants with developmental concerns. The PEDS COMBINED is more sensitive to communication delays.

Feb 09, 2010

Validity Of Parents’ Evaluation Of Developmental Status (PEDS) In Detecting Developmental Disorders In 3-12 Month Old Infants

I Wayan Gustawan, Soetjiningsih, Soeroyo Machfudz, Jalan Nias
Udayana University, Sanglah Hospital, Udayana University, Sanglah Hospital

Background: Every disorder in any developmental stage will result in alteration of the quality of human resources in the future. Early detection is an effort to recognize disorders in every developmental stage. Parents’ concern can be helpful in identifying children in need of assessment and can be used as a prescreening test to reduce the number of children who require formal screening.

Objective: The objective of this study was to examine diagnostic value of PEDS instrument in order to determine developmental disorders in infant.

Methods: It was carried out in Department of Child Health, Medical School, Udayana University/Sanglah Hospital, Denpasar. In this study, 170 infants, 3-12 month old infant who visited Pediatric Outpatient Clinic and eligible for inclusion and exclusion criteria were selected as sample. The parents filled the PEDS questionnaire and the results of PEDS were compared with the results of BSID-II as a gold standard. The main statistical analyses are sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, positive and negative likelihood ratio, and pre-test and post-test probability.

Results: PEDS showed a sensitivity of 83.9% (95% CI 67.8 to 93.8), a specificity of 81.3% (95% CI 74.2 to 87.1), a positive predictive value of 50.0% (95% CI 40.6 to 59.4), a negative predictive value of 95.8% (95% CI 91.2 to 98.0), a likelihood ratio positive of 4.5 (95% CI 3.1 to 6.6), a likelihood ratio negative of 0.2 (95% CI 0.1 to 0.4), a pre-test probability of 18.2% and a post-test probability of 49.9% (95% CI 40.6 to 59.3).

Conclusions: PEDS can be used as an initial screening test to detect developmental disorders in 3-12 month infants

Feb 09, 2010

Three studies from the Philippines

Connie T. Palarca, MD, Gingoog City, Misamis Oriental Philippines

BACKGROUND: Parents’ Evaluation of Developmental Status or PEDS is a simple, inexpensive screen for developmental and behavioral problems in children from birth to 8 years old. It is a standardized screening tool for developmental and behavioral detection for a collaborative and family-focused care.

OBJECTIVES: To elicit the different developmental and behavioral concerns of parents / caregivers of children aged 0 to 96 months and to determine the children’s level of risk for disabilities based on the elicited parental concerns. STUDY DESIGN. This is a descriptive and prospective study.

SETTING: The study was conducted in a private pediatric clinic in Gingoog City, Misamis Oriental, Philippines. PARTICIPANTS. A total of 421 parents/caregivers with children aged 0 to 96 months answered the PEDS response forms with Visayan translation during their outpatient consultation. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S). The early detection of developmental and behavioral problems of children using the parental concerns elicited in the PEDS screening.

RESULTS: There were 222 males and 199 females with a male to female ratio of 1.11:1. Age ranged from 0.5 month to 96 months, mean age of 52.62. Majority of subjects belong to 0-12 month’s age group (31.59%). Of the 421 children, 19.71% (n=83) had parental concerns. There were more parental concerns on male subjects (62.65%) than female subjects (37.34%). Among the 83 children with parental concerns, 20.48% (n=17) belongs to 25-36 month’s age group (mean of 31.52+3.34). There is a significant relationship between the age of the subjects and parental concerns with a p value of 0.019.

CONCLUSION: Almost 20% of patients visiting the clinic for either well or sick consultation had developmental and behavioral concerns. Through the different parental concerns, PEDS screening is able to determine the children at risk for disabilities and is able to facilitate early referral and early intervention on these children.

Feb 09, 2010

Identifying 4-Month-Old Infants at-Risk in Community Screening

Meade VA, Sweeney JK, Chandler LS, Woodward BJ.
Dr. Meade is faculty in the Divison of Diagnostics/Special Education within the Department of Education in Tofol, Kosrae, FSM (Micronesia) and can be contacted by email:
Published In: Pediatric Physical Therapy, 2009, 21; 2: 150-157.

Purpose: To validate a 2-step infant developmental screening protocol administered by non-physician health professionals.

Subjects: The parents of 213 eligible 4 - 6 month olds were invited to attend one of five community screening clinics in a single county in Minnesota. 66 families participated in the study: 55 chose to attend a screening clinic and follow-up measures were sent (via surface mail, 2 months later, to a random sample of 65 families) of whom 11 returned completed questionnaires. Of infants whose parents attended screening clinics, 92% were white and 68% were grouped as ‘risk- positive’ after histories were taken, which included both biological (prematurity or a history of medical diagnoses in the family) or social-environmental factors (such as a teen mother).

Methods: A modified version of Parents’ Evaluation of Developmental Status (PEDS) was administered to all parents. PEDS, a measure eliciting parents’ concerns in all developmental-behavioral domains, was modified by retaining four (of the ten) PEDS questions: items focused on global/cognitive, expressive language, medical/other, and social emotional issues. Two additional items were added: one that focused on feeding, and a second item requiring parents to estimate their child’s developmental status given multiple choices [Parents were asked if the child was a) more advanced b) the same as or c) less advanced than other infants of the same age]. Parents who attended the screening clinics were also administered the Meade Movement Checklist (MMCL), a 27 item observational scale focused on infant movement and behavior during a series of structured parent-child interactions as the second stage of screening. ( for a fact sheet summarizing all research on the MMCL) Criterion measures included 1SD below the mean one either the mental or motor scales of the Bayley Scales of Infant Development-II and the Movement Assessment of Infants at 6 months and the Ages and Stages Questionnaire plus the Social-Emotional scale at 8 months of age.

Results: Parents attending screening clinics held significantly more concerns than those who did not. Of the former, 61% held concerns about feeding issues. The modified PEDS was 80% sensitive when compared to the BSID-II results (using 1SD below the mean on either the mental or psychomotor scales) but only 48% specific in identifying infants who needed further evaluation. The MMCL demonstrated 87.5% sensitivity, 91.4% specificity, and 70% positive predictive value compared to the PDI. There was no relationship between screening results at 4 months and the ASQ or ASQ-SE results at 8 months.

Conclusions: Inviting parents to attend community screening clinics and then eliciting parents’ concerns of those who chose to attend helped discern children in need of further screening. Of attendees, most families had children with a range of developmental, behavioral and health problems that were refined by further screening. Since parents actively choose to attend the screening clinics, it is still possible that some parents may have wished to attend but could not for other reasons and therefore their children were missed. Screening 25.8% of a birth cohort identified by parent concerns in step one, resulted in high validity (sensitivity 87.5%; specificity 91.4%) in identifying infants in step two. Combining parent concerns and the MMCL effectively increased PPV to 70%. This two-stage screening process, implemented by nonphysician health professionals provides a valid, new perspective for screening young infants. Future research should carefully focus on parents’ concerns about feeding and gross motor skills. A nuanced taxonomy of such concerns should help facilitate swift detection of children at risk for motor disorders such as cerebral palsy while also discerning which parental concerns reflect typical developmental issues for parents of young children.

Feb 09, 2010

Can Parental Concerns Detect Children With Behavorial Problems?

Prahbhjot Malhi, Pratibha Singhi
Published In: Studia-Psychologica, 2002; Vol 44 (4): 359-365

Investigated the usefulness of parents’ concerns about a child’s behavior in the early detection of significant behavioral disturbances. 60 parents with children aged 24-60 mo of age were recruited. Parents’ concerns were elicited using the Parents’ Evaluation of Developmental Status (PEDS), and behavioral problems were measured by the Pre-School Behavior Checklist (PBCL). Results indicate the commonality of parental concerns about behavior. PEDS was 76% sensitive to child’s conduct problems and 70% specific in identifying children with normal behavior. Demographic and developmental status of the child did not seem to influence whether parents’ concerns about behavior were accurate or inaccurate in identifying children with significant conduct problems. Multiple regression analysis revealed that the number of parental concerns, type of family, and number of significant concerns accounted for 25% of variance in the PBCL score.

Feb 09, 2010

Detección precoz de problemas del desarrollo por el pediatría: Importancia de los padres

García-Tornel S, Glascoe FP.

Please see full article by clicking on our translations page.

Apr 01, 2005

Parents’ evaluation of developmental status in children born with a birthweight of 1250 g or less

Pritchard MA, Colditz PB, Beller EM
Queensland Optimising Preterm Infant Outcomes Group
Published In: Paediatric Child Health, 2005 Apr;41(4):191-6.

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the agreement between parental reporting of development of children born very preterm using the Parents’ Evaluation of Developmental Status (PEDS) questionnaire and professional assessment by a paediatric developmental team in the detection of sensorineural disability.

METHODS: A cross-sectional cohort study of 362 children born in Queensland with a birthweight < or = 1250 g, who were surviving at 2 and 4 years of age corrected for prematurity, was conducted. Parents completed the PEDS questionnaire prior to their child receiving a neurodevelopmental assessment. The level of agreement for sensorineural disability between the neurodevelopmental assessment and the parents’ score on the PEDS questionnaire was measured using the kappa statistic, and screening test characteristics were calculated. Logistic regression was used to investigate factors that might affect agreement.

RESULTS: Two hundred and eighty-three (78%) of the eligible children were located and contacted. Of these, 216 (76%) agreed to participate in the study (110, 2-year-olds; 106, 4-year-olds). Agreement between the two forms of rating sensorineural disability (developmental quotient > -2SD (standard deviation), cerebral palsy, bilateral blindness and deafness requiring aids) for the 4-year age group children was fair (kappa = 0.27, P = 0.001). PEDS accurately identified 69% (11 of 16) of disabled children and 72% (65 of 90) non-disabled children. The test characteristics for these children were similar to Glascoe’s norming sample with a PPV 31% (95% CI: 14-48%), specificity 72% (95% CI: 62-81%), but lower sensitivity 69% (95% CI: 62-81%) and higher false-negative rate 31% (95% CI: 11, 59). Agreement for the 2-year age group was fair with poor test characteristics. Other comparisons for both age groups (PEDS A and B compared using a disability status with DQ > -1SD) showed poor agreement and test characteristics. Gestation age < 27 weeks and maternal education at or below grade 10 in the 2-year age group were the only factors independently affecting agreement.

CONCLUSIONS: The agreement between parental evaluation of sensorineural disability status using PEDS and paediatrics developmental assessment in children born very preterm at 4-years corrected age for prematurity compares favourably with Glascoe’s norming sample. The lower agreement seen in the 2-year age group limits the utility of PEDS to be used as a screen for disability at an age when early intervention may be useful. The PEDS questionnaire is designed and normed for the general paediatric population, and it is not clear if parents of children born very preterm may have interpreted the PEDS questionnaire in relation to their satisfaction with their child’s developmental progress rather than their child’s functional ability.

Comment from Dr. Glascoe: The authors were gracious enough to share their data. Problems in the administration of PEDS were numerous: a) many children were previously diagnosed and receiving intervention, but were not excluded from the study or elevated to Path A (per PEDS Brief Guide directions). In this study, 6 were previously diagnosed and 4 of the 6 were already in services; b) the authors did not re-administer PEDS by interview if nothing was written on the Response Form (ahem)! This problem occurred with 13% of cases (N = 19/144), and; c) clinician/researchers did not add their own concerns from observations or physical exam, i.e., over-ride PEDS scoring if clinical judgment indicated a problem.The consequences for reported sensitivity/specificity.

Had PEDS been scored correctly, 30 out of 34 children with a diagnosis of CP or intellectual deficits ( > 1sd below average), would have received Path A or B results, i.e., sensitivity = 88%. Parents whose children did not have a diagnosis also had high levels of worry (often about language, or described features of ASD and so forth). So, specificity was understandably low (59/163 = 36%).

Bottom line, researchers need to read the manuals and adhere to the directions for each test under study–both screening and diagnostic tools. Although this recommendation sounds axiomatic, it needs reiterating!

Below is a letter to the editor about this paper. In general, children with previously identified disabilities do not need screening and should either be excluded from validation studies using PEDS or automatically elevated to Path A when a developmental diagnosis is described. Parents, if satisfied with services, may not raise concerns, understandably:

Dear Editor,

The article by Drs Pritchard, Colditz and Beller entitled, ‘Parents’ Evaluation of Developmental Status’ (PEDS) in children born with a birthweight of 1250 g or less (J. Paediatr. Child Health 2005; 41: 191-6) involved use of a screening and surveillance tool I authored, known informally as PEDS.1 I congratulate the authors on a potentially helpful study and offer several suggestions for explaining their findings and planning additional analyses:

  1. The authors attempted to view whether PEDS identified children with cerebral palsy. Although this is valuable, PEDS is designed, in contrast, to identify children eligible for special education.
  2. In the USA, cerebral palsy alone is not sufficient for placement in special classes. Rather, children qualify under the category of physical impairment only if they show motor disabilities in addition to deficits in intelligence, adaptive behaviour and/or academic/preacademic skills, that is, their difficulties must interfere with school success or its likelihood. As a consequence, parental concerns about communication and cognition have stronger predictive value than do gross motor concerns. If the criteria for special education placement are different in Australia, then Drs Pritchard et al. are encouraged to consider whether a different constellation of parental concerns as elicited by PEDSwould perform more effectively.
  3. If detection of cerebral palsy with or without other developmental deficits is, in fact, a goal for Australian children, it might be wise to evaluate whether parents of children with cerebral palsy describe motor development in a way that could be discerned from parents with motor concerns but whose children are developing in a typical fashion. For example, statements such as, ‘my four month old is very strong and can stand for hours’; ‘she holds her body in an odd way’; ‘she keeps her legs stretched out and crossed all the time’; ‘he’s like a rag doll’, all might be clues to the presence of spasticity, scissoring, persistence of primitive reflexes, hypotonicity etc. Drs Pritchard et al. are encouraged to make use of their rich dataset to consider secondary, qualitative analyses of the concerns of parents whose children have cerebral palsy.
  4. It may be unnecessary to point out that screening tests do not need to be deployed with children with previously identified disabilities. In the US validation studies, 25% of families whose children were already enrolled in special education, did not raise concerns on PEDS. Drs Pritchard et al. speculate sagely that satisfaction with services may reduce or eliminate the parental concerns. It is also likely that parents whose children have known disabilities come to view their child’s development in a relativistic and incremental manner - comparing current progress, however slow, only to past performance - and not, as most parents do, by comparing their child to other children. This would make for an interesting longitudinal study and one that is also encouraged. Some evidence for marked early differences in the perspective of parents whose children have known disabilities is found in a study in which parents of 2-year-old children were asked to predict adult outcome. Parents of non-disabled children consistently predicted quite exalted futures, a phenomenon the researchers dubbed, ‘Presidential syndrome’. In contrast, parents of children with cerebral palsy and/or mental retardation, simply predicted their child would become an average, normal adult.
  5. Although both sets of predictions may be unlikely, they do suggest early and significant differences in the views of parents whose children have disabilities.
  6. Finally, PEDS is not only a screening test, it is also a surveillance tool. As such, it calls for, when making referral decisions, provider input including results of a physical exam, medical history, observations and/or knowledge of the family. The PEDS Brief Guide to Scoring and Administration states, ‘If parents have no concerns or nonpredictive concerns but clinical judgment suggests the presence of a problem, follow Path A or B’ (the two planks of the PEDS algorithm denoting increased risk and need for additional assessment (p. 6)). Had the authors followed this recommendation, their sensitivity findings would have been substantially higher. I am happy to assist the authors with additional analyses of their and in formulating hypotheses for future research.


  1. Glascoe FP. Parents’ Evaluation of Developmental Status (PEDS). Nashville, TN: Ellsworth & Vandermeer Press, 1997.
  2. Glascoe FP. Collaborating with Parents: Using Parents’ Evaluation of Developmental Status to Detect and Address Developmental and Behavioral Problems. Nashville, TN: Ellsworth & Vandermeer Press, 1998;
  3. l.Shapiro DM, Ostroff JS, Howe GW. Parents’ beliefs about the severity and permanence of their child’s handicap. In: Proceedings of the 19th Annual Gatlinburg Conference on Research and Theory in Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities; 13-15 March 1986, Gatlinburg, TN.

Frances Page Glascoe
Department of Pediatrics,
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, TN, USA

Related Links:
Pritchard And Letter (PDF)