Our Mission

Our mission is to aide parents and clinicians in evaluating whether a child is having difficulty with learning, developing and behaving. Our service will help you determine whether additional testing is needed, what kind of testing is needed, and what services may be helpful. You can do this by taking one or more screens (meaning short tests that sort those who may be having problems from those who probably don't). The first of these tests is called Parents’ Evaluation of Developmental Status, or PEDS (pronounced 'peeds').

Our screens will help you find out:

  • Whether a child seems to need additional testing
  • Whether a child may need specialized teaching services or therapies
  • Whether careful observation and watchful waiting would be helpful
  • Whether there are additional things you can do at home to help him or her learn or behave
  • Whether a child seems to be coming along well and simply needs a once-a-year re-check to view his or her progress

Our screens will also:

  • Give you an idea of whether a child is doing well for his or her age
  • Direct you to programs and resources for helping a child including those provided without cost under federal law
  • Link you to quality websites with good information on how to help a child learn and behave well

Our tests will not be helpful if:

  • The child has already had a developmental evaluation or is in the process of receiving one
  • The child is already enrolled in therapy or other special programs

What else?

  • For children 18 months through 4 years of age, we will also give you the M-CHAT-R, to help confirm the results. This will be offered without additional expense. The M-CHAT-R focuses on language, communication, social skills, and how a child responds to people and the environment, and screens for the possibility of autism spectrum disorders.
  • We will soon be adding additional screens for older children, Please check back or click on the Feedback Form to your left if you'd like us to send you a notice.
  • Screening test results do not give a diagnosis but they can help direct you to specific resources that seem needed.
  • Development develops! Developmental problems can too. Check on a child's development including behavior every 6 months to a year is recommended.