211 is a national telephone helpline focused on non-medical emergencies, i.e., addressing the challenges of people with unstable housing, food insufficiency, lack of money to pay for utilities or health care, etc. With help from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 211LA added a screening and referral service for young children with autism and other developmental disabilities. After addressing the immediate issues raised by callers, 211LA staff asked parents if they would also like to discuss and assess their children’s development and behavior. Almost all parents were interested. Since its beginning in September 2009, the program has screened nearly eight thousand children under the age of five; nearly half were found to be at moderate to high risk of a development delay—rate much greater than found in general pediatric samples including low-income, Medicaid eligible families. 211LA’s referral coordination efforts (e.g., live call transfers to early intervention providers) ensures that this vulnerable population actually received services: 211LA’s families are ~ twice as likely to be enrolled in early intervention than are families screened in primary care. Thus 211LA serves as a national and replicable model for detecting and addressing the needs of high risk families and for supporting early identification efforts in primary care.This link provides more information on the Robert Wood Johnson Foundations efforts with 211LA and contact information for the program.