PEDS Tools: CME/MOC Credits

How to obtain Maintenance of Certification (MOC), Continuing Medical Education (CME) Credits and conduct a Quality Improvement Initiative using PEDS Tools®

The American Board of Pediatrics now requires  providers to commit to life-long learning and skill improvement via multiple methods:

Maintenance of Certification (MOC) embraces four goals: Professional standing and licensure, live-long learning and self-assessment, building cognitive expertise, and identifying/rectifying gaps in quality of care. The latter goal is referred to as a Quality Improvement Initiative (QI) of which there are two types:

  • Structured QI projects involving improving care across multi-clinic practices or institutions and are guided by an experienced coach.
  • Web-based Improvement Activities. These are useful for providers and clinics not a part of larger institutions. In these cases activities are self-paced.

The American Board of Pediatrics has approved projects including a web-based improvement activity devoted to developmental-behavioral screening for which PEDS® can be used.

The ABP MOC activity involves administering screens to 40 children of various ages and completing required forms. The activity includes a parent/patient survey (which is a future MOC requirement) but easy enough to accomplish with the forms provided.

We recommend using PEDS Online® for MOC/QI activities because it creates a database for each user and because PEDS Online® (whether you have an electronic record or not) provides much in the way of time-savers that make early detection easier (e.g., saves the time needed for dictation, typing, proofing, locating procedure and diagnosis codes, reduces “oh by the way concerns”, etc.

In addition, information provided on this site offers opportunities for life-long learning, how to build clinical acumen, and overcome effectively any performance challenges.

For CME options, see your State AAP Chapter at or NAPNAP. In addition, Contemporary Pediatrics has a series of articles on developmental-behavioral screening for which CME credits can be garnered as does Pediatrics in Review.