#805-PEDS:DM for Early Childhood and NICU follow-up (starter kit)



The PEDS:DM® Assessment Level® (starter kit in English) offers more items at each encounter and produces age-equivalent scores in 7 domains: fine motor, gross motor, expressive language, receptive language, self-help, social-emotional, and for older children, pre-academic/academic skills. The Assessment Level includes the laminated PEDS:DM® Family Book (with illustrations needed for the Assessment Level administration); 25 PEDS:DM® Assessment Level Booklet (reusable over time with the same child); and the Longitudinal Growth Chart (printed on the back of the Assessment Level booklet) for sharing results with families.

This version of the PEDS:DM® can be mailed out, completed in waiting exam rooms, or administered directly to children by teachers, clinicians, etc. For children less than 3 years of age, the PEDS:DM® Assessment Level® can also be administered via telephone interview.